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Which AS to complement Proraso Blue?

As per the title really - I'm relatively new to aftershaves, after realising that balms make me greasy and spot prone. What I'll miss most is matching my ASB to my shave cream, especially the Proraso Blue, I LOVE that smell!

So, with my DR Harris Windsor cream I have tried the matching AS and that's a definite keeper. Ditto for the Marlborough. My OH couldn't keep her hands off me when I wear Eton College so that's a keeper too :wink2: I've got a handful of samples of other TOBS and DRH aftershaves to try, but none of them really smell much like the Proraso.

It doesn't help that I can't really place the scent of the Proraso Blue either - I've seen anise and licquorice mentioned, but that's not quite right.

Any suggestions, anyone? Thanks.
Hmmm, the blue smells kind of fresh and medicinal. If you've got a sample of the ToBS jermyn street a/s splash, give that one a shot. It also has a fresh, sweet kind of feel, I get a lot of neroli. I would stick to fresh, clean types of scents, like one of the Adidas a/s lotions.

So yeah, give ToBS jermyn street, Adidas dynamic pulse and adidas pure game a shot.
Hugo by Hugo Boss..... they make an after shave lotion (splash) in this scent. Check it out..... I think Proraso Blue and Hugo smell remarkable similar.

Proraso blue seems to have a slight soapy, minty, lavender scent. Pretty light. Just about any aftershave or cologne would work. Any menthol would be fine, eg AV, Floid Blue, etc. Or even Clubman. Even OS, EL, etc. Experiment and enjoy!
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