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Where to find Barbasol Pacific Rush?

I bought a bottle of this on the B/S/T and I think it's awesome. I can't find any places online to buy it though--is it out of production? Where can it be found?
By 'bottle' I think you mean the ASL and not the can of SC. I can usually find it at CVS. The SC is definitely cheaper at WalMart (but WalMart doesn't have the ASL, at least not around here)
By 'bottle' I think you mean the ASL and not the can of SC. I can usually find it at CVS. The SC is definitely cheaper at WalMart (but WalMart doesn't have the ASL, at least not around here)

Yeah, I'm talking about the aftershave--all I find when I search online is the cream. I'll have to check CVS for it. I live in New York City, so I don't have any WalMarts around anyway.
Around here, the best place to get the whole Barbasol line of AS is the local Dollar General (not to be confused with Family Dollar - home of the famous "Club d'Ivoire pour Hommes" Old Spice clone by Vi-Jon, or the 99 Cent Store - home of not much when it comes to shaving goodies). I see that you're in NY, but if you're in NYC these paragons of frugality might be hard to find. Oddly, I have never seen any of the Barbasol AS's in any of my local Wally Worlds.
Th Dollar General is the only place you can buy the splashes as confirmed by Barbasol. You can buy the Brisk on Amazon, but I don't know where you might locate Pacific Rush. I think Brisk is better anyway. Just be frugal with that bottle, sir, and perhaps contact me again when you're low.
Thanks all. I'll have to try out the Brisk and see if I like it as much. This stuff makes my face smell like listerine, but it feels soooo good. I love the menthol.

I don't have a Dollar General here, unfortunately.
I have the Barbasol Brisk Aftershave Splash and thoroughly enjoy it. It has a wonderful barbershop type scent with a nice menthol kick, and I find it very cooling and soothing. I also find that the scent lingers for several hours, if not all day, which I also like, and I got an unexpected "You smell good!" from a very attractive woman. :blushing:

I found the Brisk on eBay™, but I can't find anyplace that sells Pacific Rush AS Splash online. Unfortunately, I don't have Dollar General stores in my neck of the woods, but I am hoping that one of our enterprising vendors will eventually stock it. Based on my experience with the Brisk, I know I'd love to try the Pacific Rush AS Splash, and it appears there are others who would too. I'm just saying.
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Th Dollar General is the only place you can buy the splashes as confirmed by Barbasol. You can buy the Brisk on Amazon, but I don't know where you might locate Pacific Rush. I think Brisk is better anyway. Just be frugal with that bottle, sir, and perhaps contact me again when you're low.

It seems that Barbasol is expanding. My local Food Lion grocery now has the PR - both splash and ASB and the Brisk.

Back to the OT, I have no idea. :blink:
Dollar General is correct for the Barbasol splashes. Family Dollar carries the fabulous OS clone, Ivy Club Spice.
Went to the Dollar General yesterday to get myself a backup bottle of that Brisk. Love that stuff...
They still had some Pacific Rush bottles.
I can send you one, if you want...
I really thought for some reason that I have seen that bottle of PR AS as CVS. Then again, I do shop at a dollar general as well, I could be just confusing my memory of the two places...
It seems that Barbasol is expanding. My local Food Lion grocery now has the PR - both splash and ASB and the Brisk.

Back to the OT, I have no idea. :blink:

Actually, I remember you mentioning that before. Barbasol did say at one point that the DG was the only place, but they must have wised up, or perhaps the two are linked somehow.
Actually, I remember you mentioning that before. Barbasol did say at one point that the DG was the only place, but they must have wised up, or perhaps the two are linked somehow.

I just saw it there recently. I know I mentioned it in another thread, but I'm just trying to spread the word.

I've only been to NYC a couple of times, but I can't imagine there isn't some place that sells it.
I was watching something on ESPN and it was "Brought to you by Barbasol Pacific Rush" - so take that how you will. Seems that if they're going to advertize the line on TV they'd make it more available..
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