I haven't seen a lot of posts about SR brushes lately. I own two: the 3824 (shown below) and its smaller cousin 3120. It has been said that they are made by shavemac and they might. Clearly they resemble a lot the shavemac regular silvertip bulbs in form and character.
Both the 3824 and the 3120 are outstanding brushes that can be used with both creams and soaps. I normally use them with creams as I tend to use 2 bands with soaps.
The 3824 is a marvelous brush: cloud soft tips
(the shavemac 44140, the Thäter 3 band and SRs are probably the softest brushes I own), just the right density (dense but not überdense), a nice size handle AND a great value compared to some other favorites out here. I own now 35+ brushes and use all of them but the SR 3824 is one I reach for almost every week.
tribute to an outstanding brush: 24mm knot, 53mm loft ... awesome face feel...

Both the 3824 and the 3120 are outstanding brushes that can be used with both creams and soaps. I normally use them with creams as I tend to use 2 bands with soaps.
The 3824 is a marvelous brush: cloud soft tips

tribute to an outstanding brush: 24mm knot, 53mm loft ... awesome face feel...