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Where is the love for Savile Row brushes?

I haven't seen a lot of posts about SR brushes lately. I own two: the 3824 (shown below) and its smaller cousin 3120. It has been said that they are made by shavemac and they might. Clearly they resemble a lot the shavemac regular silvertip bulbs in form and character.

Both the 3824 and the 3120 are outstanding brushes that can be used with both creams and soaps. I normally use them with creams as I tend to use 2 bands with soaps.

The 3824 is a marvelous brush: cloud soft tips :001_wub: (the shavemac 44140, the Thäter 3 band and SRs are probably the softest brushes I own), just the right density (dense but not überdense), a nice size handle AND a great value compared to some other favorites out here. I own now 35+ brushes and use all of them but the SR 3824 is one I reach for almost every week.

tribute to an outstanding brush: 24mm knot, 53mm loft ... awesome face feel...

I like my 3722 a lot. The softness is the same as my Shavemac 177 knot. Surprisingly, the 3722 is a bit denser and with better backbone than the Shavemac.

My Rooney 3120. Small knot but whips up a great lather and is also very soft on the face. :thumbup:
I think Savile Row just fell out of "flavor of the week". Its not so much that anyone had much bad to say about them, as it is that people just had nothing to say about them.
Us SR guys are more of a quiet, black ops kinda people.....Were not all in peoples faces about how wonderful they are,(Like the simpsons guys;) we just enjoy them, and smile when we see new people find out what they have been missing....the 3824 is a hard brush to beat, I owned one for close to a year, and its the one brush I want back that I sold........Man, what was I thinking..we let the brushes do the talking, not the threads and posts.
The SR 3118 has the perfect knot for me. Compact for face lathering, super soft tips, bulb shape, just the right amount of density and backbone. I wish it came with a taller urn handle. I ended up transferring the knot to an Ever-Ready 300PBT.

Own a 3824 as well as the 3120.(Have only received the 3824 this past week).So far a terrific brush for creams
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