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What's your workout today?

Press building back up after injuring my shoulders last year. Build to a whopping 80 lbs.



225 lb deadlifts
pushups, chest to floor and hands come up off the floor at the bottom

Ran the last three days, so resting that today but I lifted chest and back at the gym and played an extra long game of racquetball.
Tonight I went for a run.

As of 8:40 p.m., weather.com reported that the chance of precipitation in Brooklyn, New York after 9:00 p.m. and before 10:00 p.m. was 10%. Run commenced at 9:14 p.m. By 9:20 p.m., not far from home, light rain. By 9:30 p.m., approaching entrance to Brooklyn Bridge, heavy rain. By 9:45 p.m., having run over the bridge, around lower Manhattan and back to middle of the bridge, torrential downpour and fierce winds. At 10:05 p.m., having completed run, rain desisted. Summary: Between beginning of run at 9:14 p.m. and completion of run at 10:05 p.m., 100% chance of rain, increasing in intensity with passage of time. Conclusion: weather.com meteorologists are sadists.

Actually, in retrospect, it was kind of fun. I was as soaked as I've ever been. I wouldn't want to do it again tomorrow, but it was an experience.
Sumo Deadlift build to 255

12 min AMRAP

200m Run
10 Snatch (95 pounds)

2+ run + 2 OHS

Wow it was like starting all over with the OHS, no balance or flexibility at all. This is going to make the 120 on Saturday next to impossible to do. Guess I have some time to get to know my judge.
Shoulders and Traps this morning. I'm going to have to find a new way to work out for the next few days though. My gym is going to be closed for 3 full days for cleaning.
5km bike, 10 minutes on cables
90 minutes upper body
@ 25 - 4x12 Iron Cross, 3x10 Around the World
@ 35 - 2x14 Zottmans, 2x12 focused db curls, 3x14 lateral partials, 2x30 renegade rows, 2x12 Cuban presses, 2x12 butterfly presses, 2x10 pullovers, 2x18 ball crunches
@ 45 - 3x14 scarecrows, 2x16 side bends, 2x14 Arnie presses, 2x10 db snaps, 3x12 focused db presses, 1x14 bosu crunches
(On straps) 20x3 leg lifts, 10x3 lateral lifts each side
(On pad) 50x3 crunches, 1minx3 bicycles, 25x3 varied leg lifts, 1minx3 pilate bicycles, 1minx3 arches, 25x3 inverse crunches
10 minutes on cables, 5km bike
Had the odd urge to do some OHS today and 120 seemed like a good number to build up to.

65,80,90,100,110ish, 120 big fail. Learned I shouldn't try to snatch 120 up. Going to power clean it on Saturday and then adjust my grip and split jerk it up. I hope. :001_unsur or I could be spending the time to get to know my judge better. ack

9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Hang Power Clean (155 pounds)
Situp (x2)
Single Unders (x10)

Hit the gym tonight for some shoulders and arms, little bit of back and lots of dips. I've got to make some more time to get to the gym. I'm getting weak. :mad3:
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