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What's Your "Shave Fatale?"

What's your "Shave Fatale?"
Over the past 6 months I bought so much stuff that my wife is beginning to look at me funny.
From 3T's to Speick. From obscure eastern-european products (Palmira, mem), and over to Arko's. Handmade soaps and creams galore. Muhle 41, Merkur HD, and 3 other DE's, armed with 20 different kinds of razors.

And yet, there's one combo I can always count on for a great performance; the one I keep coming back to - my "shave fatale:"
Tabac + Feather + Slant (TFS)

What's your always comforting combo?



The Lather Maestro
I like to mix it up a lot, but I have two favorite shaves.

Both use my DE89 on my BRW Bull Mastiff Deluxe XXL handle, I don't rotate razors. Both use the Gillette Super Platinum, Blacks (I don't get anything else anymore)

One favorite shave would be RazoRock Mughetto di Bologna, Omega Pro brush, Thayer's WH, followed by Pinaud Classic Vanilla AS splash.

The second favorite shave would be TOBS Rose cream with my King1976 ebony 24mm Silvertip badger, Thayer's WH, followed by THE VEG!

They are tied, not in any order, just two 'favorites', if that's allowed.
Vitos Pre / Proraso Red / Tulip 3 2band / Clog Pruf (awesome!!!) / Carbon Steel SE

MR GLO / Mike's Natural Soap / Duke 2 Best / Fatboy on 9 / Lord SS

Vitos Pre / any TFS or La Famiglia / Semogue 1460 / Gillette LC New / Anything but Astras
Vitos Pre / Proraso Red / Tulip 3 2band / Clog Pruf (awesome!!!) / Carbon Steel SE

MR GLO / Mike's Natural Soap / Duke 2 Best / Fatboy on 9 / Lord SS

Vitos Pre / any TFS or La Famiglia / Semogue 1460 / Gillette LC New / Anything but Astras


Great set - but why not Astra's?
Impressive - I will have to try Blacks - so far had their Russian platinum and loved them, but not as sharp as Feather. I enjoy Omega "big pro" too.

I like to mix it up a lot, but I have two favorite shaves.

Both use my DE89 on my BRW Bull Mastiff Deluxe XXL handle, I don't rotate razors. Both use the Gillette Super Platinum, Blacks (I don't get anything else anymore)

One favorite shave would be RazoRock Mughetto di Bologna, Omega Pro brush, Thayer's WH, followed by Pinaud Classic Vanilla AS splash.

The second favorite shave would be TOBS Rose cream with my King1976 ebony 24mm Silvertip badger, Thayer's WH, followed by THE VEG!

They are tied, not in any order, just two 'favorites', if that's allowed.

Great set - but why not Astra's?

Hi Dragan,

This is apparently a huge YMMV for me... I can get away with using almost any blade, I even enjoy Derbys... but Astras chew my skin up something fierce. For whatever reason, that effect is especially exaggerated with my LC New.

I've got an r41 on the way, so I'm really interested to see if that exaggerates the nuances between different branded blades, etc.
I guess I'll have to get some RR from Joe!

That's the truth! If you want some variety, he has four main groups of soaps out there now, and they're all great!
I would personally recommend the type the Bruce mentioned above (choose King Louis Lavender or 888) or the new "la famiglia" line.
Easy call. My regular Monday setup:

Morris & Forndran 1/1
Martin de Candre
Butch Harner
Santa Maria Novella Lavanda A/S
R41 BRW Bullmastiff + Feather
Semogue 2011 LE bristle 2
Proraso Pre/post aloe & green tea
Vito's Extra Super with coco
Humphreys Citrus WH
AOS Lemmon balm
Castle Forbes Lonach
Krona - you are the owner of that amazing shaving den? I like clubman too, do you think it has menthol?

Having a diverse den is all about the choices, whatever my whims aim me towards.
Clubman has a classic American barbershop scent. For menthol, Aqua Velva is a classic.
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