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What's your first post-vacation shave?

Just got back from a 10 day vacation to Spain (Barcelona/Tour de France in Pyrenees/Costa Brava) and while I had my Merkur DE with me and some nice cream (Trumper Spanish Leather) the blades I picked up over there weren't so great (Topaz). I got some decent shaves from them but was really looking forward to my first shave back with proper blades. So many choices! Went with a Polsilver blade, RazoRock Don Marco, and some Clubman original splash. Best shave in 10 days! So happy to be back with my Polsilvers and Astras.

Being summer and people are vacationing, what are you looking most looking forward to shave-wise after getting back?
I won't be going on a vacation this year, but I did have a week off work where I didn't shave at all for the week recently (10 days actually).

I eventually shaved it off with my shavette and a feather blade, felt great to get rid of it but I realized the feathers don't work as well as some other blades in the shavette, otherwise it would have been perfect.
Good thread!

After my last camping trip I used my Trumper's Coconut cream, Semogue LE 2012, Captian'c chioce combo. Pretty much my most luxurious cream and it felt great after four days in the bush!
Was in South Padre for the week of July 4th and did not shave at all (first time to skip shaving in over 6 months). Took my equipment with me but with the sun and beach all day, I didn't want to do any damage to my skin so I just let the beard go for a week.

When I got back, I reached for my custom brush with TGN Super Silvertip and face lathered TOBS Jermyn Street. Used the DE89 with new Feather blade and got a DFS in two passes. Followed with a splash of Speick and finished with GFT Sandalwood Skin Food. Finally, a proper shave!
We'll find out tomorrow. Haven't shaved in a week, which results in a nearly full beard for me. Probably gonna use my late 30s open comb aristocrat, with a 7oclock black bald, but I have a new ++ Red Tip I am wanting to try. Gonna be Pannacrema, as that's about all I use anymore. Whipped Dog brush. Thoughts on the razor? I probably have every old Gillette model to pick from, excepts for the Brits, which are too rich for me.
I'm out of town now, and have my Merkur 38C with me for vacation shaves. But I'm really looking forward to getting back home for my 3rd ever shave with my straight razor.
I miss Barcelona! No side trip to Pamplona?

My first shave after returning from Europe last week was a new Astra SP in my 34C with Godrej soap and a two band finest. It was nice to get back to the more aggressive razor and a larger knot. I had been using a Tech and 16mm finest travel brush restoration. I had been using O Melhor and Palmolive creams and Monsavon and MdC soaps on the trip, so the Godrej was a step back.
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I don't travel much but when I get home I usually like to bring out the silvertip brush and a ToBS or AoS tub...
Although next month we'll be leaving to Italy for vacation, where I hope to be able to pick up a few great local items to enjoy my shaves there more than at home!
Post vacation??!!

I take some select gear with me and thoroughly enjoy shaving ON my vacation! Some of the best shaves I've had have been on vacation.

Hot summer day, slow shaving with cold water literally right from a northern Ontario Canada lake. A couple times even sitting with my legs in the water at the end of the dock.

Finish with an awesome aftershave and then hammock time! It doesn't get any better!


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I recently spent two weeks in Ireland and, of course, shaved every day.

When I got back home I used the two things I missed the most: Mergress and scuttle.
I got home late last nite after being away the weekend. My beard grows fast so there was plenty to shave with my Mergress and Gilette 7 O'Clock Black. I used my brand new Rudy Vey two band brush for the very first time with Arlington soap. Finished off with a splash of AV Ice Blue and some RR Lime balm.
Pamplona was an option in the planning stages, but was ruled out as it would have been a long drive. Saw Le Tour's first mountain stage at Ax 3 Domaines though which was the centerpiece of the trip. Was well worth it. Want to go to San Sebastian next.

I miss Barcelona! No side trip to Pamplona?

My first shave after returning from Europe last week was a new Astra SP in my 34C with Godrej soap and a two band finest. It was nice to get back to the more aggressive razor and a larger knot. I had been using a Tech and 16mm finest travel brush restoration. I had been using O Melhor and Palmolive creams and Monsavon and MdC soaps on the trip, so the Godrej was a step back.
Some good stuff here! I will confess, I didn't pack any aftershave for the trip with the intention of picking up something in Spain (carry-on bags liquid limit also factored in). However, I don't think I was looking in the right places as I couldn't really find much (in a small quantity). Thus I had no aftershave the whole trip and was excited to splash some on when getting home.
It seems like I generally reach for the slant with a Feather after several days off (vacation of otherwise). Soap is all over the board, but I seem to favor a slant as the razor. Also focus more on prep including rubbing some glycerin on my face when I get out of the shower before the shave...need to do this more often anyway.
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