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What's the absolute proper method to restore a 1962 Gillette Slim Adjustable?

I've found a few forum posts and tutorials from this website and a few others but they're all different. I know some methods aren't as good for some razors as they are for others because of their plating. I just want to make sure I don't damage the razor when I'm trying to do the complete opposite. Please help! Any input will be greatly appreciated.
Toothbrush, Scrubbing Bubbles, and use hot water to clean. Then a lite polish using MAAS with lite pressure.
Replate. Preferably by www.restoredrazors.com (onotoman here at B&B).

The Scrubbing Bubbles and a toothbrush (aerosol Scrubbing Bubbles) works well for most every razor I work on. If all or most of your original plating is intact, that should be all you need.

If the numbers need re-painting, there was a nice tutorial on how to do that on this very site. IIRC, there was a link for a video in that thread.

I have also used a black crayon to fill in the numbers and that worked astonishingly well. I was surprised that further cleaning and alcohol didn't eat away at the crayon.

If it does need replating, Krona Kruiser does a fine job as does the aforementioned onotoman. Post a pic of it if you can.


Found that thread.

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First I used Scrubbing Bubbles. Then I soaked mine in hot water from my Keurig and a small squirt of dish soap until the water wasn't hot anymore. It loosened up the TTO quite a bit. Then I polished it with car polish. I also lubed it with a squirt of WD40.
I have an ultrasonic cleaner that also heats the cleaning solution. I cleaned my Slim with some Dawn soap and few drops of ammonia. It did however remove the remaining paint from the numbers. I wouldn’t use it on a gold plated razor.
I bought a small ultrasonic cleaner and was amazed at how much more gunk was cleaned from razors I had previously cleaned with a toothbrush and scrubbing bubbles.
soft toothbrush after a soak in Dawn dish soap solution works well.

I have a question to add: how to remove a raised, flea size speck of corrosion(?). probably safest to leave it alone but i am curious.
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