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What's going on with this Boker?

What's the cut out shape near the heel of the blade? I've heard of Barber's notches but they are usually larger and near the toe of the blade I think.

This looks too uniform to be caused by rust however there is a much smaller version of this cut out even closer to the heel.

I bought two straights on ebay, a nice Wade and Butcher for $35 shipped and this Boker for $12 shipped. The low price was mainly due to this "defect" I think. I bought it as a project but I'd like to know more about this cut out.



  • $Boker.JPG
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That is a chip on the edge of the blade, that needs to be honed out before the razor can be used.

Looks like the blade will lose about 1/8 or so.
Like Doc says, it's been dropped or smacked against something and is broken. Since the chip is near the heel, the other option to honing off the whole length of the blade is to move the heel to the chipped spot (shortening the blade) and keeping the width as it is. You will have a shorter blade but maintain the sharpening geometry.
Just remember that any deviation from a straight line along the cutting edge is damage. Either from use and wear or abuse and breakage. You can sometimes repair and still use damaged razors, but it's usually best to avoid them if you aren't qualified or equipped to do the repairs.
Thanks everyone. I think I will keep it for a project sometime (shortening the blade). Luckily I got a great 6/8's Wade and Butcher at the same time as this one (ebay). I shaved with it today!
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