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What's a vintage Boker worth?

I was out hiking and fishing yesterday for Canada Day (woohoo), and on my way back I decided to stop at an antique store in a little town. There was a vintage Boker straight for $18, but I didn't buy it because I don't know what it was worth. I am new to wet shaving in general and although I purchased a vintage Reynolds from the BST a couple of weeks ago I have yet to use it. I couldn't tell you anything about the Boker other than it obviously needed a good cleaning and a honing. What would something like that be worth? Thanks!


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
For $18, you will end up with one of three results:

1.) With a cleaning and a honing, you get a good razor ... bargain.

2.) This puppy will need more significant restoration work, so probably not worth it, but you'll still end up with a good razor after spending "too much" on restoration.

3.) The blade is fundamentally toast, and you will be tossing away your $18.
I don't know much about the price of Boker's but I managed to snag this on on the bay yesterday for a single bid of $9.99



It is probably a fair price unless the edge is chipped, cracked, or pitted with rust. Also look for a straight bevel and even hone wear. Bokers are good razors but very common.
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Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
I love my Boker Cupid. But any Boker is a decent blade if it is undamaged. $18 is a so-so price for a reasonably restorable (honing and polishing) Boker.
It depends on the condition...can you take pictures? You'll get tons of opinions in no time with a good shot
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