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what' your favorite cigar, what's a good scotch?

CAO Pirahhna is one of my favorite cigars. I have just recently been introduced to Scotch for the first time this Christmas season. (I'm 47)

What makes a good scotch ? What is a good scotch ? Been to a few Whiskey forums, and just thought I'd ask around here too........

There are two forums here on B&B devoted to answering the questions you ask.

The Speakeasy is the place to discuss liquors.

The Brown Leaf is for all discussions tobacco products oriented.

Jeff in Boston
:blushing:...thanks Jeff

I'm new to B&B and still learning where everything is......It wasn't until after I posted my question that I realized there already were posts answering me ! D'oh ! (wish i could have deleted this post....talk about redundant)

thanks for the help though,
:blushing:...thanks Jeff

I'm new to B&B and still learning where everything is......It wasn't until after I posted my question that I realized there already were posts answering me ! D'oh ! (wish i could have deleted this post....talk about redundant)

thanks for the help though,

<It wasn't until after I posted my question that I realized there already were posts answering me !>

Do not worry about that part. I think it is an entrenched part of the B&B aesthetic to respond anew to very similar questions, while perhaps also directing members to particular threads of interest. But I think this is a useful aesthetic as new and interesting stuff seems to develop when similar questions are raised again!

I am really liking Talisker--again! I do not see how a 10 year old Scotch can be so good, so balance. Of course, I like all the Islays, too, almost every darn one!
I'm a fan of the Padron 1964 series.

As for scotch, I like Glenfiddich for a single malt and Johnnie Walker Gold for a blend.
I think it is an entrenched part of the B&B aesthetic to respond anew to very similar questions, while perhaps also directing members to particular threads of interest. But I think this is a useful aesthetic as new and interesting stuff seems to develop when similar questions are raised again!
I have read this statement four or five times and for the life of me don't understand what you are trying to say. I do notice that we are keeping the thread in play here in the Barbershop, while we have forums next door devoted precisely to these two topics. Would this thread be better served there, not only for more targeted replies to the OP, but to not be missed by members in the Speakeasy and Brown Leaf forums?
If you can find a place that will do "Scotch Flights" that is a way to try multiple brands/types of scotch without dropping too much cash.
I have read this statement four or five times and for the life of me don't understand what you are trying to say. I do notice that we are keeping the thread in play here in the Barbershop, while we have forums next door devoted precisely to these two topics. Would this thread be better served there, not only for more targeted replies to the OP, but to not be missed by members in the Speakeasy and Brown Leaf forums?

Sorry, what I am trying to say is that my understanding of B&B custom and practice is that it is okay to ask the same questions that have been asked by others previously. That is, someone new to the forum need not run searches to try to determine whether the question they had in mind posing was asked and answered previously, and if it was addressed previously to refrain from posting the question.

I am also saying that the response to previously asked questions on B&B is also not typically a simple reference or link to an existing thread. But addtional discussion, which is often useful.

My overall theme, I suppose, if that folks fairly new to B&B should not be hesitate to ask any question for fear that the response will be "asked and answered" or a terse direction to look at some previous postings, that might embarass them.

My experience is that it does not always work this way on other fora. That there someone posting an inquiry that some other member feels has been discussed previously, can get a pretty terse and potentially demeaning response!

I do agree that posts should be on the appropriate fora, once the unfamiliar poster is made gently aware of the more specific fora.

And you are absolutely correct that it was wrong of me to encourage further discussion of the particular topic in the Barber Shop rather than on the other fora. I aprologize (My reference to Talisker and the Islays was really meant to me more of a humorous toss off that a serious response to the OP. Speakeasy participants may well already know of my affection for Talisker, and I stry to stay out of the Speakeasy as I do not need any encouragement/temptation to drink more than I do, much less the Brown Leaf!)
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