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what you use safety razor or straight razor ?

DEs. I'd love to try a straight but it's intimidating. Not the sort of thing you want to get wrong even once.

One of these days I'm going to put some money together to buy a cheap, shave ready dollar razor and a strop. I'd love to try out straight razors, but I just don't have the resources at the moment.

However, I've been expanding my view safety razors in the time being. I've just started putting SE razors into my rotation, so I have a bit more variety. :)
My razors are all DE's. It is the type of razor I started shaving with in the 60's. I enjoy the huge variety of vintage and current DE razor types along with the myriad of combination's available between the different types of razors and blades you can use. As a tinker at heart, I find the mechanics of DE's to be fascinating. This is especially true with my vintage razors.

Straight razors just don't excite that kind of interest in me. Neither does watching grass grow. Just my humble opinion.
DE. I'm too afraid of using a straight because of the following scenarios:
A. I could cut the sh*t out of myself
B. I could get hammered and use it to whittle a small bear figurine
C. I could poke my eye out
D. I could poke someone else's eye out
But on the plus side... I could give myself one of those nice bar fight scars I've been wanting for so long =D... I'm going to have to rethink this....
But on the plus side... I could give myself one of those nice bar fight scars I've been wanting for so long =D... I'm going to have to rethink this....

LOL...aren't you barely old enough to even be IN a bar? :lol::lol::lol:
Careful what you wish for, and certainly don't go LOOKING for one...


B&B's Man in Italy
I started wet shaving using a DE razor.
My intention was to upgrade, one day, to straight.
But I am simply unable to give up my beloved double edge razor.
I get so wonderful, close and clean shaves...
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DE, SE, and injector razors. Actually I kind of prefer injectors, but the others make for nice variety.

I expect straights are safe enough if you go slowly and carefully, but I don't want to deal with the extra blade maintenance. I'm getting such good shaves now that it would be hard to convince me that I need better, even if straights are better.
Over 1 year my DE (and this community!) took me from rubbish (electric) shaves, to excellent (DE) shaves. The past 3 months I have shaved nearly every day with a straight; it has been a challenge at times, but has taken the shaving to a new level - both in quality of result and enjoyment of the whole hobby.

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