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What TV Series from Your Childhood do you remember?

I almost forgot about Schoolhouse Rock!

I didn't, and a GREAT mention. According to Wikipedia, one of the creators came up with the idea for the program after being puzzled over his son not memorizing multiplication tables while knowing all the lyrics to Rolling Stones songs. "Lolly, lolly, lolly get your adverbs here!"

Growing up in the South Chicago Burbs, we had WGN TV which had some great local programming. Every morning was Ray Rayner and Friends and Garfield Goose, mid-day was Bozo's Circus, and on weekends was Family Classics with Frasier Thomas.
I figured Chicago had to have a great market for this stuff. Metro areas were really communities back then.
So many great shows mentioned. Besides those I listed earlier, I also remember watching Your Hit Parade, December Bride, Topper (TV Series) and My Little Margie in the 50s, mostly in summer when I stayed at an aunt's. Too bad not much of the Topper series survived. I enjoyed that show.
Yeah I know I’m dating myself!! I tried to come up with shows not already mentioned, sorry if I’ve duplicated some.

Roy Rogers

Gene Autry

Annie Oakley

Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp

Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok

Tales of the Texas Rangers




My Friend Flicka

Flash Gordon

The Untouchables

Alfred Hitchcock Presents

Phil Silvers Show aka Sgt. Ernie Bilko

Circus Boy

Mister Peepers

Our Miss Brooks

Red Skelton Show

Donna Reed Show

Burns and Allen

Life of Riley

Ozzie and Harriet

Stu Erwin Show

Father Knows Best

Captain Midnight AKA Jet Jackson

Dobbie Gillis

The Peoples Choice
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Growing up in the South Chicago Burbs, we had WGN TV which had some great local programming. Every morning was Ray Rayner and Friends and Garfield Goose, mid-day was Bozo's Circus, and on weekends was Family Classics with Frasier Thomas.
@luvmysuper growning up in Chicago in the 50’s do you remember the kids noon show 30 minutes in length “Uncle Johnny Coons”?
Did not own a television until 1958, so television watching was limited to what neighbors, and what friends watched. The television show that got me hooked on a life behind view finder of camera, was staring Charles Bronson. He played Mike Kovac, Man with a Camera.


Many other great shows, but will alway recall Mike Kovac the Freelance Snapper.
There were several shows that our whole family sat down for:
Red Skelton
Carol Burnett
Ed Sullivan
and of course, the news.

I found out later the reason my folks knew when the Muppets would be on Sullivan is that the newspaper printed details like that. Odd to think today that the local paper would carry a listing of TV and radio programming each day.
For a Gen X-er looking at what's in my own library:
The Saint (Roger Moore just played this character as James Bond imho),
Brady Bunch,
Monty Python,
Buck Rogers with Erin Grey—I have no idea who else was in that show :)
Little House on the Prairie,
Battle of the Planets,
Family Ties,
Star Trek TOS (and TNG),
Dungeons and Dragons,
Schoolhouse Rock,
Charlie Brown (Great Pumpkin & Christmas if they count)
And a whole mess of Looney Tunes.

With that said, additional shows in my memory that I don't think I saw mentioned:
Carol Burnett
Love Boat and Fantasy Island (for those young, lonely Saturday nights)
Tales of the Gold Monkey (blatant Indiana Jones ripoff that I remember loving)
He Man
Mighty Hercules
Space: 1999
LA Law

I took some liberties and assumed my high school years counted as childhood. I certainly did enough stupid things to qualify then.

Great post!!
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I wonder what would happen if you showed it to preschoolers today:lol:
Probably wouldn't understand it. Some of these shows I didn't start to appreciate until I was a teen. The first time I saw Frightenstein I think I was a sophmore. A friend of my Dad thought it was hilarious. He got a big bang out of the witch Grizelda's song... "She's got a lovely Roman nose... roamin' all over her face it goes..." 🙂


Found this on Amazon. Dated, goofy, but it brings back memories.
Probably wouldn't understand it. Some of these shows I didn't start to appreciate until I was a teen. The first time I saw Frightenstein I think I was a sophmore. A friend of my Dad thought it was hilarious. He got a big bang out of the witch Grizelda's song... "She's got a lovely Roman nose... roamin' all over her face it goes..." 🙂

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Found this on Amazon. Dated, goofy, but it brings back memories.

Apparently a lot of the episodes were lost or destroyed. Would have been nice to gift a box set!
This thread triggers some memories, some very vague. I am mostly thinking of things that came on after I got home from school in the afternoon and Saturday mornings. There was something called the Gale Storm Show. I have very little idea of who Gale Storm was or what went on on that show, although I think I ended up watching it often enough. I think I mentioned Perry Mason and Alfred Hitchcock earlier. Perry Mason bored me--holds up now!--and on at least one occasion as I recall Alfred Hitchcock permanently scarred me psychologically. :) Ranger Hal had a Howdy Dowdy type show in the DC area, and there was similar kind of show put on by Pick Temple, sponsored by Giant Food, a then local grocery store.
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