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What to buy and some simple questions

Hey guys,

I've been considering getting into straights for a while and think I'll finally give it a try and take the plunge. My main problem is probably information overload: I know that, as a noob, I should be buying a shave ready razor and strop, but what razor and strop? And what about honing?

I've tried to read posts, wiki entries and all that since, well, why bother you guys if the answers are already out there? Sorry if I'm missing something.

Regarding honing, I'm not (yet heh) interested in doing stuff such as restorations, I'm just looking to sustain my soon-to-be razors and keep them sharp. What would I need in order to do this? One of those Norton 4k / 8k's? What about (and what is?) a barber's hone? There's so much info, I can't seem to filter it down to a simple answer or method.

Regarding razors and strops, I'm also not sure what to do. I've heard of the Gold Dollar and Filly Strop, which seems like a good deal, but I've heard bad things about the Gold Dollars. Likewise, I could spend twice as much for a Dovo 5/8 and Strop Set, but is it worth the extra cash? I guess I'm looking for guidance here.

I've been DE shaving for about two years now, so I already have a nice badger brush, soap, can make a decent lather, etc..

Thanks for the info guys,
Welcome to the darkside.:ohmy:

Keep it easy. You're going to get everyone's version of what they have and how they started. It only get's overwhelming when everyone talks about different hones and results.

My recommendation is to get the Dollar and Filly. When I first started out, I bought a nice Tony Miller strop before I even bought a straight. My reason behind this was because I wanted something nice but didn't want to massacre my investment. So I practiced with a butter nice shaving and stropping. Now I don't knick any strop or cut myself, except for when I almost lopped my ear off on New Years but that's a different thread. So there's two options for you. If you invest in a Tony Miller strop get the practice strop, best $8 you will spend on edge maintenance. Also, get the linen backing.

As for your first straight, there are plenty of great straights on here on BST anywhere from $40-$75 and it will be a good one. I'm not much of a fan of new razors.

As far as hones. I stay away from all of the discussion because it will suck you in and you will end up having to explain to your wife why you spent $400+ for a rock:incazzato. I have Spyderco set of hones that I've had for years. If you were to buy one get the Spyderco UF. They work great never need lapping or wear down. The UF will be your finishing hone and touch up hone and it's about $50 and gives an amazing edge. Barbers hones are great too if you can find one in good shape.

I just started to get into pastes and I'm not much of a fan of the edge but have come to like the edge of chormium oxide.

One thing I can tell you is if you get your strop technique down you should not be touching your hones/stones but maybe once a year.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
This is not the dark side, this is the light side :001_smile

The ruprazor deal should be one of the best deals around... Unless you find a cheap shave ready straight on BST and buy a strop...
From what I understand about the gold dollar is, that they often come from the factory with flaws, and aren't considered shave ready

If you get one from someone like Rupprazor, You've eliminated 90% of all problems with the razor, as they will vet the razor for you pre-purchase, give it a hone and get it shave ready. if the Razor is obviously not working, then they won't sell it, simple as that.

Of course you could try a nameless razor seller on ebay, for a lot cheaper, but end up with a razor that is literally junk (Paki razors in particular)

So yeah, Stick with the simplistic stuff, Get a nice cheapish (new or second-hand) razor for your first (or you could spend a bit more, and get yourself a Dovo or TI as your first, Whilst it's nice to do that, it's a little more expensive as you've realised) It all rests on how much you want to pay? if you're not spending under 10 dollars for it, chances are it can be made shave ready.

As for things such as "what razor?" I'd say, learn technique first, before startng to play with different grinds and depths of razors, Go for something middle of the range (5/8 to 6/8) and preferably a round point (maybe a french, but only if it's a rounded french, spike points are deadly if you're unwary) Either vintage or new, and something that is SHAVE READY

Hones? yeah, not worth investing too much in hones until you've gotten to a certain level of desire, folks can get away without honing their own.
Hey guys,

I've been considering getting into straights for a while and think I'll finally give it a try and take the plunge. My main problem is probably information overload: I know that, as a noob, I should be buying a shave ready razor and strop, but what razor and strop? And what about honing?

I've tried to read posts, wiki entries and all that since, well, why bother you guys if the answers are already out there? Sorry if I'm missing something.

Regarding honing, I'm not (yet heh) interested in doing stuff such as restorations, I'm just looking to sustain my soon-to-be razors and keep them sharp. What would I need in order to do this? One of those Norton 4k / 8k's? What about (and what is?) a barber's hone? There's so much info, I can't seem to filter it down to a simple answer or method.

Regarding razors and strops, I'm also not sure what to do. I've heard of the Gold Dollar and Filly Strop, which seems like a good deal, but I've heard bad things about the Gold Dollars. Likewise, I could spend twice as much for a Dovo 5/8 and Strop Set, but is it worth the extra cash? I guess I'm looking for guidance here.

I've been DE shaving for about two years now, so I already have a nice badger brush, soap, can make a decent lather, etc..

Thanks for the info guys,

Buy a razor off the BST and get the Filly strop.

Check out the links in my sig and the wiki for the answer to your honing question.
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