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What straight did you use today? Now with PICTURES

6/8 Wade and Butcher. Celebrated American Razor

Had a fantastic shave with this Vintage Sheffield blade.BBB in two passes.
The last month the temperature has been a bit higher than usual this time of year meaning just above freezing. So instead of snow we've had a constant overcast and drizzle. The sun rises after eight in the morning and it's been pitch black after three o'clock. Not that has mattered much since the sun only have been visible for a few hours during the entire month. In short the weather has been pretty much as in the Blade Runner movies. So yesterday I woke up to a totally new world. The temperature had gone down during the night and the drizzle had turned into snow. Since I had the day off I took a very long walk and let the new light, freshness and beauty fill my soul.

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I also picked a razor for the coming week. This Wacker is really good value for the money, especially if you prefer thinner grinds.

I wish you all a very fine weekend.
Oh yes Arne its been like that here but we dont have any snow as of yet, and I can see why the walk in the woods with a view like that picture does indeed freshen the soul and mind.

In other words it's beautiful view while we have had floods but in all its amazing what mother nature can do.....

Enjoy your relaxing weekend my Friend......
Oh yes Arne its been like that here but we dont have any snow as of yet, and I can see why the walk in the woods with a view like that picture does indeed freshen the soul and mind.

In other words it's beautiful view while we have had floods but in all its amazing what mother nature can do.....

Enjoy your relaxing weekend my Friend......
Thank you Ian, I hope that you'll have a great weekend too. :001_smile
I love waking up to a first snow and going for a walk in the quiet and beauty. I don't like driving to work in the dark and driving home in the dark. I'm already wishing winter was over and it's only just begun. ☃

I've never heard anyone complain of their Wacker not giving them a great shave. I used to think of them as the best razor in current production but have now changed to thinking of my Thiers-Issard as a masterpiece.
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