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What should I try next?

I've been DE shaving for a couple months, but thus far I've only been using the Shark SCs that came with my Parker (horrible razor, soon replaced with a slim) and some blue Lord Wilkinsons from Walmart. Both have been giving me good shaves, the Sharks moreso, but I want to try more. Sampler packs are looking kind of overpriced at the moment, maybe I'm just crazy. I'll run out of the LW blades soon and I want to simply buy a 50 pack of something I havn't tried yet. Is this a terrible idea? Any suggestions?
I would go the sampler route before buying 50 blades of anything. If you buy 50 blades of something you can't stand, then what?

I have been DE shaving for a long time and I still try sampler packs - some of which I make up on my own. It's sort of like looking for the Holy Grail. :w00t:
I would go with a sampler pack.

It's crazy how different blades treat different people. Blades some people hate are other men's favorites.

Or just buy a 50 pack of the sharks or some swords if those are what you know you like.


B&B membership has its percs
As the posters above have said, buy the samples. Now, there is one aspect that says if you try too many, you can't remember who wins (ex-girlfriend story), the other side says just buy one & dance with the girl you bought (brought)
As the posters above have said, buy the samples. Now, there is one aspect that says if you try too many, you can't remember who wins (ex-girlfriend story), the other side says just buy one & dance with the girl you bought (brought)

Some people keep logs of what blade they use in what razor for every shave and actually end up with different favorite blades in different razors. I don't tend to do that, I just use red pack personnas in everything. If I find a blade I particularly don't care for, such as Merkurs then I just get rid of them.
I suppose I have to, don't I? Anyone know of a good sampler I should go for in that case?

The ones at westcoastshaving and bullgoose are the usually recommended ones. Or you could do some research and just buy a single pack of ones you want to try.
Either buy a sampler from westcoastshaving.com or make your own from there. I made my own by buying a 5 or 10 pack of the blades I wanted to try since there were a few in the samplers that I wasn't really interested in.

Here are some you should include
Red Personna
Super Iridium
Either buy a sampler from westcoastshaving.com or make your own from there. I made my own by buying a 5 or 10 pack of the blades I wanted to try since there were a few in the samplers that I wasn't really interested in.

Here are some you should include
Red Personna
Super Iridium

What he said.
Check out Bullgooseshaving.net's MVP sampler. It should actually be cheaper to buy a sampler almost anywhere than to buy single packs. After trying several other brands you'll get an idea of what you're looking for in a blade and what the differences are. I think you'll be surprised at the dramatic difference a blade like an Iridium can make.

To avoid a situation like the one Garyg described (ie that you can't remember which one is best after going through them all) I usually tell new guys and gals to use at least 3 blades straight of a parituclar brand, so you can find out how long it lasts, how it perfoms after one or two or three shaves, and to get a feel for them in general. After you've cyled through them all, you still have at least two blades to remind you what you like, and you can narrow it down from there.
I recently was looking at a thread from about a month ago that asked members to list their top five blades. I added up all the responses and came up with a top ten list.

10. (Tie)- Merkur and Shark Super Stainless; 7 votes
8. (Tie)- Kai and Wilkinson Sword; 9 votes
7. Gillette Swedes; 12 votes
6. Derby Extra; 16 votes
5. Astra Superior Platinum; 17 votes
4. Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharp Edge (Yellow); 20 votes
3. Red Personnas; 23 votes
2. Iridium Super; 24 votes
1. Feather; 38 votes

This may help you pick out a sampler pack. Out of the myriad of blades available, these appear to be the ones people prefer. It seems that on any blade thread, the Feathers and Iridiums come out as the preferred blades. I was surprised by how many are attracted to Personnas and Gillette Yellows. The Astra SPs have seemed to really gain a lot of attention recently. I hope this helps.
I recently was looking at a thread from about a month ago that asked members to list their top five blades. I added up all the responses and came up with a top ten list.

10. (Tie)- Merkur and Shark Super Stainless; 7 votes
8. (Tie)- Kai and Wilkinson Sword; 9 votes
7. Gillette Swedes; 12 votes
6. Derby Extra; 16 votes
5. Astra Superior Platinum; 17 votes
4. Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharp Edge (Yellow); 20 votes
3. Red Personnas; 23 votes
2. Iridium Super; 24 votes
1. Feather; 38 votes

This may help you pick out a sampler pack. Out of the myriad of blades available, these appear to be the ones people prefer. It seems that on any blade thread, the Feathers and Iridiums come out as the preferred blades. I was surprised by how many are attracted to Personnas and Gillette Yellows. The Astra SPs have seemed to really gain a lot of attention recently. I hope this helps.

Thanks, this was a big help. Sampler pack under construction!
I agree that a sampler is the way to go. I just finished my month long journey through a sampler pack I ordered from Bullgoose. I am pretty much right there with what was posted in the tally a couple of posts up. But like most things the experience you get from one brand will differ than what another person gets. For me it is Feathers, Astras, and Sharks.. Good luck.

If you would like I can PIF you some blades that I have left over from my sample pack and do not use...send me a pm if interested.
Here are a couple inexpensive samplers that give you one or two blades each of 20 different brands.

if you go with this guy's samplers pm him directly (ntguy) and he'll give you a discount

recently bought the 20 blade pack trying to figure out which one i'll try first after i'm done with the walmart wilkinson i'm currently using
DE40 thats super nice of you, pm sent. I also built a sampler on westcoastshaving, but I have yet to pull the trigger on that. Maybe its because one I got on there I looked through everything and my cart jumped to $130...
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