Is it the 34C?
Sep 20, 2009 #6 M menemsha43 I just got one. Have only two shaves with it and am very pleased I bought it.
Sep 20, 2009 #9 Left Coast DJ The HD, also known as the 34C, is also sometimes listed as the Merkur 178.
Sep 20, 2009 #10 R rainman The HD, also known as the 34C, is also sometimes listed as the Merkur 178.
Sep 20, 2009 Thread starter #11 Tux rm71 said: If you are planning on getting one, all I can say is excellent choice Sir! Click to expand... It's actually for a friend of mine that I converted over. I have a Gillette SS and a Slant but I have yet to try the HD. I might buy it one day simply to further my quest for the BBS.
rm71 said: If you are planning on getting one, all I can say is excellent choice Sir! Click to expand... It's actually for a friend of mine that I converted over. I have a Gillette SS and a Slant but I have yet to try the HD. I might buy it one day simply to further my quest for the BBS.
Sep 21, 2009 #12 Tat2d Bald Dude Tux said: Is it the 34C? Click to expand... Yes, and if you want a longer handled version, that would be the 38C.
Tux said: Is it the 34C? Click to expand... Yes, and if you want a longer handled version, that would be the 38C.