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RazoRock Merkur 34c HD clone in 316L incoming

If I can visually see the blade is sticking out on one side more than the other, this alters my experience with the razor and produces inconsistent performance. I did put some electrical heat shrink tubing on the posts to make them a tiny bit bigger and this worked, but seems I shouldn't have to (the top cap mold needs to be improved IMO). Maybe it's just me...
It seems to be a quite individual thing. The craziest razor I have as far as blade alignment goes, is a little cheap Turkish made aluminum or zink alloy DE razor called YUMA (see photo). I'm telling you, it's crazy out of whack, and yet I get the most fantastic shaves out of it. I don't even bother looking at how the blade aligns before shaving, I already know it looks crazy. Yet I consistently have outstanding shaves with it. So at least for me, "blade alignment" is not an issue.
This is just my most extreme example. I have several other razors which I think consistently deliver excellent shaves, and which I often see are taken to task for "blade alignment" issues -- the Fatip OCs is a good example. People will go on and on about poor craftsmanship and blade alignment issues with Fatip razors ... and all I know, is that they deliver outstanding shaves. So I have sort of come to see ugly blade alignment as a pretty thing almost, -- a bit like a "pigtails and freckles" girl you underestimated in you teens, but later came to "see the light" .... ;-)
Blade dis-alignment is a sign of character..!

I never experienced blade alignment issues. Neither with my old one (stupidly lost) or my new one. But I would still be interested in a stainless steel version.


I never experienced blade alignment issues. Neither with my old one (stupidly lost) or my new one. But I would still be interested in a stainless steel version.
Mine doesn't have any issues either, but there is a little play when the blade is placed over the posts; I still get wonderful shaves.
Nice to see the classic workhorse of wetshaving the merkur 34C HD finally made in stainless steel, kudos to razorock my favorite brand for safety razors love the lupo and bbs series 👍
I regularly suspect that Yaqi and Razorock work together much more closely than we would think, so here is my Smurfadamus prediction: Razorock will release, within a month Yaqi will offer the same in a slightly different finish.

As for when Razorock will release, I expect Q2 2025.
Possibly, but then they do that with designs of other companies as well.
Wasn't it only the Lupo design they mostly copied in their Vostok series anyway?

It might be different with their brushes, I don't keep an eye on those all that much at the moment.


Cool and slimy
Possibly, but then they do that with designs of other companies as well.
Wasn't it only the Lupo design they mostly copied in their Vostok series anyway?
The thing is, given how much stuff Razorock gets from Yaqi, I wonder if we are not confusing hen and egg there. I see a Chinese chick laying Canadian eggs. This is possible nowadays.
I had two Weber razors back in the day, but back then I was young and stupid, so I sold them.
The Weber razors were great shavers, they would sell out very fast on Amazon. I believe they used some sort of cast steel process. The finish was a little dull which leads me to believe it came out of a mold. The Weber seemed to share the same geometry with the 34 head although it looked different esthetically.

RazoRock cnc razors are made in Canada so I highly doubt they have anytime to do with yaqi. If you try a yaqi machined razors you can tell right away they are different and the tolerance aren't even close. The finish is completely different too. Yaqi just seems to be quick to clone.
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