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What is your longest lasting fragrance?

Of what I've tried so far, SCS Smoke and Beads has some serious longevity. Least? Probably Victoria's Secret from my high school days.
Penhaligon's Racquets Formula. That stuff lasts, and lasts, and lasts... that's the one that I can still smell traces of on my pillow... days later.
For me, it is Geo. F. Trumper Sandalwood cologne. When I put it on the first thing in the morning, it is still evident at the end of my workday. Not strongly, but easily detectable.

Incense Rosé by Tauer is the longest lasting fragrance I've come across in some time. It easily lasts 24+ hours and even withstands washing.

It also happens to smell incredibly good.
adolfo- long wear for men,the frances denney version.unfortunately out of production.lasts a full day at least with dabs applied at the pulse points,a smoky unique scent.there is a current production cologne with the same name that stinks literally IMO.
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