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What is a good shave cream?

Well i'm new to the site but have already made a few posts and find the answers to be in depth and knowledgeable, so you people are good. I currently use Nivea sensitive shave gel with a tweezerman badger brush, i think the cream is okay but feel like i'm missing out on a lot. I don't however like shave soap because it is to light and foamy i like something thick,rich,and gooey, so my razor has some resistance to ride on. I'm open to all ideas though so let me know what you all think.
Welcome! In generally I recommend trying out a couple of the things you can find locally such as The Body Shop's Maca Root shave cream or C.O. Bigelow wich you may be able to find at Bath and Body Works still.

Besides those two there are dozens of creams which people on the boards really love. They range in price from just a couple of bucks to as much as you want to spend. Check out our "Reviews" section to see what you might be interested in, and then check out some of the vendors that frequent the site. Good luck.

Addendum: I would also implore you to check out The Shave Den's sample page. They seem to be out of a lot of things, but what they do have should keep you busy for long enough.
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You can't really go wrong with any creams from TOBS (Taylor of Old Bond Street). Mr Taylor is a great classic sent
Click on the reviews section above, there are indepth discussions of probably hundreds of soaps and creams.

BTW, if you find lather from a shave soap to be light and foamy, you're doing it wrong ;)
Check out some of the lather tutorials, you'd be surprised at how nice a soap can lather up!
Truefitt & Hill performs great, and I really like the Lavender. Haven't tried any other flavors yet, though. At a lower price, I get great results with Erasmic, as well.:001_smile
Trumper's Coconut Oil SC is an outstanding beginner cream. Easy to use, very effective, moisturizing and a good entre into English creams and scents.
C. O. Bigelow would be a great cream to try next. It's readily available at Bath & Body Works, in-store or on-line, and it's easy to get a good lather. You can even use it brushless with good results. Right now they are having a "buy two get one free" sale on-line (not sure about in-store), so you can get 3 5-oz tubes for $20.

Good luck! And welcome to B&B! :thumbup1:
Seeing as you can get Nivea products, why not try out their Shave Creme. I think that it is great.
For excellent creams that are cost effective (meaning inexpensive), I would recommend Proraso and JM Fraser Classic shave creams.
For excellent creams that are cost effective (meaning inexpensive), I would recommend Proraso and JM Fraser Classic shave creams.

This one. The CO Bigelow is Proraso in a different package - menthol bomb, which you may or may not like.

I'm still amazed at the JM Fraser's. I wish I'd have tried it sooner - great value too - no menthol, mild scents.

Read the Reviews here where applicable (there are a lot of them). Just pay attention to the dates, some go back to 2006, so any pricing info is probably a bit off.
I don't however like shave soap because it is to light and foamy i like something thick,rich,and gooey, so my razor has some resistance to ride on.

What shave soap have you tried? It should definitely not be too light and foamy. Sounds like you have too much water in the mix. Keep in mind that some soaps are more forgiving than others with the water ratio, but they certainly should not be too light and foamy.
What shave soap have you tried? It should definitely not be too light and foamy. Sounds like you have too much water in the mix. Keep in mind that some soaps are more forgiving than others with the water ratio, but they certainly should not be too light and foamy.

+1 also if you don't work the lather long enough the lather will be thin and somewhat astringent. Sounds like you have a puck laying around. give it a little more practice before you toss it, there is a little bit more of a learning curve with soaps but most are good performers. And let us know what your using, there are some poor examples.
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