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What happened to Razor and Brush / Giovanni Abrate?

I haven't been on here for years and I haven't had to order new blades for a very long time, and his website is gone. Is he still around?
Long gone, I think. I am not familiar with the gent in question, but I found this post:

The owner of that website, Giovanni Abrate, to the best of my knowledge closed his store some time ago. He had a wide selection of products.

http://web.archive.org/web/20110202091924/http://razorandbrush.com/ has a snapshot, but naturally you will have to look elsewhere for blades. I believe http://badgerandblade.com/vb/forumdisplay.php/145-Vendor-Hall-of-Fame lists all the supporting vendors. I can personally recommend West Coast Shaving, Bull Goose, and Razor Blades & More (in no particular order). You might also try a custom search at http://www.google.com/cse?cx=012484877376345081345:w-9urwbj5oc, and it is always worth looking at the B/S/T forum too.
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