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What does your favorite super aggressive SR tells you when you shave?

When I use it I imagine her telling me something like "Life is a ****, just deal with it and move on. Have a great day!".


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Safety razor, my bad. Did not think about that. Apologies.
OK, no problem of course ... I wasn't thinking straight. OK, bad pun, sorry.

Super aggressive razors aren't my favorites but when I use one it usually tells me to be more careful, use a lighter touch, and next morning go use a Super Speed or one of my other Gillette TTOs. :001_rolle
OK, no problem of course ... I wasn't thinking straight. OK, bad pun, sorry.

Super aggressive razors aren't my favorites but when I use one it usually tells me to be more careful, use a lighter touch, and next morning go use a Super Speed or one of my other Gillette TTOs. :001_rolle

Nor mine. But I regret seeing them unused.

Your thoughts are those that comes to my mind next to the "... Have a great day!" : What about a TTO for tomorrow?
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