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What does it mean when you measure time by when you will have used up shaving products?

I'm just about to finish what will likely be my most challenging class in pursuit of my bachelors degree: statistics. Yuk! This class is easily more difficult for me than any of the upper level classes I've taken so far. I'm studying hard and doing well so far, but it's been a long semester. There is light at the end of the tunnel. I've got this week and then two weeks of class work. Then the second week of December is the final exam. As I was shaving this morning, I was thinking, "I will have used up these last three TracII cartridges about the time I take my final exam. Then I can open the new pack I have in the cabinet."

I catch myself doing this quite a bit. "The next time I change a blade will be the day I do this," or "This will be happening about the time I use up this puck of soap."

Does anyone else measure time by the use of shaving products, or am I just a little crazy?

If you are measuring time by Trac II cartridges you need to get into a time machine and measure time by "When I finish my final exam and use my last Trac II I can then step up to DE shaving!"
Actually, you are a little crazy:a21:. I agree with xxvaleria, time to move up. After a semester of statistics you will have lots of extra time to pursue a lifetime of fantastic shaving. I feel your pain. Statistics was not fun.:a52:
Why all the negativity towards Trac IIs? Lot's of guys shave just fine with them. Carry on, Foyle. I had 2 semesters of statistics in addition to a lab course. Was a pain in the butt, but I did well enough. My sympathies. I too am trying to finish my Bachelor's degree, and have only 1 semester to go after finals in December.
Track II. Hmmm. Nooo. School oh yeah, Anyway, I know what it means when she says "Let's be friends"....:laugh: Ah, those were the days. Of course if I had shaved more than once a week.....
I'm just joshin ya about the track II, whatever floats your boat. I'm pretty sure it's what I started with. But I honestly don't remember. Would have been right around 1980.
You are reasonably normal. I on the other hand probably am not. I minored in stats for my MS many years ago when we calculated ANOVA's by hand :blink:. I also used Trac IIs at one point those many years ago and they worked for me. Best wishes on the exam.
Don't be fooled, de shavers are the outlayer. Probably three standard deviations from the mean. Real shaving is removing whiskers. Shave with what you like.
'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.'
--attributed to Mark Twain

I cannot lie to you. You are perfectly sane.
You are reasonably normal. I on the other hand probably am not. I minored in stats for my MS many years ago when we calculated ANOVA's by hand :blink:. I also used Trac IIs at one point those many years ago and they worked for me. Best wishes on the exam.

Shudder! That's hard enough with a calculator!!!
You are reasonably normal. I on the other hand probably am not. I minored in stats for my MS many years ago when we calculated ANOVA's by hand :blink:. I also used Trac IIs at one point those many years ago and they worked for me. Best wishes on the exam.

I'm no where near doing that. Let's see; right now I'm doing inferences about two proportions using two proportion confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.
I took statistics the last year of my Bachelor's program.....twice. I dropped the first semester because I was failing miserably. Got my stuff together and buckled down the 2nd semester. It still wasn't smooth but I managed to get through it. Best of luck.
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