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What do you find to be overrated? Underrated?

Many of us have found that cold water to hydrate whiskers produces a better shave. SiBurning, who used to post research on shaving here on the forum, has some good scientific data on why this may be so. Search his posts and you'll find them.

In brief, however, your whiskers don't hydrate any faster or better with cold water than hot water. There's no advantage in terms of prep to using hot water. In fact, it may be disadvantageous because heat causes blood to flow to the surface of the skin and cause swelling. While that swelling is imperceptible to the eye, to the razor's edge it's not and under a microscope you can see on the razor, after a shave, little donut shaped bits of flesh. It's hypothesized that this is the flesh surrounding the follicle cut off by the razor.

So cold water expands the beard, but not the skin. As a result, there's less irritation to the skin, but no sacrifice of efficiency at the whisker level. Hot water towels feel great, but I get better shaves without them.

Defenitly familiar with cold water shaves, definitely. I thought you had a unique twist on it for a sec. You sold on on MdC though--I'd like to put an order in very soon.
-an arsenal of razors. Pick 2 or 3 that offer some variety. After that, the differences are marginal at best
-ARKO shave stick
-scuttles. They're nice, I see their value but they're not as great as a lot of people make them out to be
-high end, expensive shave products

-cold water shaving
-blade X, Y or Z. Someone is always going to be slagging off on a blade that works like a charm for someone else.
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The phrase "YMMV." It's more of a disclaimer to prevent argument at the expense of letting the truth, in most cases, simply be. In most cases it contradicts the opinion offered. For example, I also think Simpson brushes are overrated and overpriced to the point of insanity but YMMV. It's pure sugar coating and I wish we could just tell it like it is. It's.... shaving....

Williams Mug Soap is ____ ____. It's not that it doesn't lather, like the argument typically goes, but rather the lather is excruciatingly terrible. If I was PIF'ed it I'd be insulted. It would however make terrific a public restroom urinal puck.

Provence Sante.

"Slick" lather--everyone talks about slick--I'm after cushion first, then hydration. I can't stand loading with a soaking wet brush. chasing wet foam around my face--I'm not sure that's part of barbering history.

Badger Brushes. For the price of a Chubby 2 in best badger I can have an entire weeks rotation of Semogue Brushes that would probably out perform it. I won't say badgers ain't luxurious, but who wants to drive an automatic car when no one is looking anyway? I prefer Boar, I prefer stick shift. I prefer a pack of supercharged Ferraris than one classy but getting-old Bently.

Underrated: blade angle. Everyone talks about skin type and aftershave and skin calmers and how much for 500ml of skin food but no one puts THAT much attention to the way they hold a knife to your face. the real "art of shaving" is making the face not notice a blade just stroked it three times over. There's no product in the world that can account for crappy technique.

Gratitude. Seriously. I'm so grateful for the process of learning and, in some cases, re-learning. With gratitude it's easy to try new things or even, dare I say it, resign old opinions.

Well stated, especially the last lines, which remind me of a G.K. Chesterton quote: "The highest form of thought is gratitude"
Overrated: Any expensive Badger brush. Too floppy/soft, make sure the water isn't too hot, expensive, worry that the brand label wears off, Chinese culling ethic issues, have to fight with it to give up the lather. Its the true high maintenance trophy wife of the shaving world.

Never have such worries with $10-20 Boars. They are the blue collar work horses of the shaving world. Not as pretty, but cheap, comfortable and 100% effective. I never fret about if the knot is one day going to start shedding, fall out, brush label wear off, lose it while travelling or if the too hot soaking water will damage the brush.

Overrated: cleaning, polishing, drying, scrubbing, oiling, disinfecting DE safety razors. If its vintage, do it once and then use it the way it was intended. I don't think Grandpa ever got out scrubbing bubbles, Maas polish and a soft bristle cleaning brush every time he did a blade change.

Overrated: Unopened Collector grade NOS. Razors were never intended to be saved in unopened packaging and collected. It was Stamp collecting in the 70's, baseball cards in the 80's, comics/beanie babies in the 90's. Vintage toys in 00's. Razor collecting trends will come and go.

Overrated: Having a varied and wide selection and rotation of 20+ soaps/creams. I prefer to keep stock fresh and current.

UNDERRATED: The 99% of forum members that I have just offended and who have various AD's, enviable shaving gear collection or the well earned means to shower themselves with top notch gear. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!
Overrated: I haven't found any yet. There are a few things I don't like as much as others, but it's been fun checking different things out. I like my $20 brush and my $220 brush (and the other brushes in between except for one horse hair brush...). I like my $4 Omega and my $44 Castle Forbes creams. I like my DE razors and my straights (although I'm not quite as adept with the straights yet). I like my ASB and have come to like a few colognes although my job circumstances don't allow me to wear them very much.

Underrated: The journey of wet shaving :thumbup1: I've met some great guys on here. I've gotten connected with past generations (example, my grandfather's super speed). Some of the products I use remind me of vacations where I picked up a new soap, cream, or other hardware. I had a friend who is a potter learn how to make scuttles so he could give me one (THAT was AWESOME).

Not everything I've tried is 'awesome', but the adventure has been a lot of fun. For instance, the horse hair brush I thought was AWFUL turned out to be a great find for the guy I gave it to. So exploring and discovering what works for me has made it worth the effort.
Overrated: RazoRock soaps [author ducks to avoid thrown projectiles]. I've only used XXX & The Freedberg, but I don't get all the "sit by my computer & click refresh so I can get some of this stuff before it runs out" mentality. It's nice soap, and I like Joe's approach to his customers & the marketplace, but I don't get the surrounding hysteria.

+1 here - I've had and used the old "nervous wreck" and the newer XXX/Freedburg. I agree, I really like Italian Barber and his overall business approach. He does seem to work really hard to provide good products. But as another poster said, When I used RR XXX, I expected Angels to sing in the background accompanied by a full orchestra. Instead I got a good, smooth shave with a very nice shave soap at a reasonable price. Imagine how disappointed I was! :)
I do have to chime in on the badger brush being overrated. I use C.O. Bigelow/Proraso shaving cream. That means I don't need a stiff brush to coax the lather from a puck. What I need is the correct amount of water retention and a 20mm Badger gives me that. My boar just doesn't hold enough water for me to make the lather in need for 3 passes. My badger is still stiff enough to apply the lather to my face and moisturize my stubble. I got mine from China so I paid boar prices for it.

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- soaking the skin with water before the shave
- brands, especially regarding software
- the importance of equipment in general (giving me a lot of fun, but after using it a while most equipment can be used to get a good shave)
- vintage products (being old does not necessarily mean being good, applies also for music)
- countless razors and blades in rotation
- scuttles
- Razorock (and now beat me)
- Nivea (now beat me again)
- "all nature" and "vegan" shaving products (beat me!)
- experience with a few products, assuming there is nothing better on this planet (esp. software brands)
- silvertip badger brushes
- benefit of new hardware, esp. razors compared to used ones
- aggressive razors (survive the shave, be the forum hero, what else?)

- the importance of routine and technique
- trying totally different styles to shave, e.g. applying lather on the dry skin, shaving with oil
- simple and inexpensive products
- products from other as the big brands esp. blades
- classic scented products because "they smell like old men" - someday most of us ARE old men
- combining wet electric shaving with DE razor shaving
- shaving creams
- giving something away as present
- meeting guys from the forum in real life
- smooth razors with sharp blades
Underrated - Queen Charlotte Soaps, Valobra, Fitjar Soaps

Unfortunately, many will never know about Fitjar, as she stopped production recently due to new regulations in the EU regarding ingredients in cosmetic products. Bummer - I hope regulations don't eventually legislate all fine artisans out of the market.
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- soaking the skin with water before the shave
- brands, especially regarding software
- the importance of equipment in general (giving me a lot of fun, but after using it a while most equipment can be used to get a good shave)
- vintage products (being old does not necessarily mean being good, applies also for music)
- countless razors and blades in rotation
- scuttles
- Razorock (and now beat me)
- Nivea (now beat me again)
- "all nature" and "vegan" shaving products (beat me!)
- experience with a few products, assuming there is nothing better on this planet (esp. software brands)
- silvertip badger brushes
- benefit of new hardware, esp. razors compared to used ones
- aggressive razors (survive the shave, be the forum hero, what else?)

- the importance of routine and technique
- trying totally different styles to shave, e.g. applying lather on the dry skin, shaving with oil
- simple and inexpensive products
- products from other as the big brands esp. blades
- classic scented products because "they smell like old men" - someday most of us ARE old men
- combining wet electric shaving with DE razor shaving
- shaving creams
- giving something away as present
- meeting guys from the forum in real life
- smooth razors with sharp blades

I'm most of the way there already! I don't smell too bad. I think.
My List:

Overrated: MdC. Good, but too expensive.
Overrated: Most blades.
Overrated: BBS - Hard of the face for me, and at 1pm I literally cannot tell the difference between BBS and DFS

Underrated: Derby blades. Cheap and good
Underrated: AoS products. Lots of hate, but the creams and old tallow soap are first rate. Even the new soap is excellent.
Underrated: Good toilet paper. Don't skimp here, it makes a difference.
Overrated; Boutique soaps in the $25. price range
Expensive Badger brushes

Underrated; Boar and Horse Brushes
Prep taking to load your brush with more product, taking time to make great lather
LA Soaps
RazoRock Soaps
Under rated: Pedal Pusher's Fancies, Supposedly non aggressive Super Speeds like Blue Tips and Flairs (They feel just as good as my Gillette Diplomat.

Over rated: RazorRock soaps, but their bargain basement TTO razor is right up there with the best.
Overrated: All the ridiculuos expensives shaving products. It is necessarily to buy a 300 $ brush ?
Underrated: Cartridges. Are they so bad? I am a Mach 3 daily shaver and is quite good for me...
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