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What cartridge razor would you use if you couldn't use a safety razor?

I would probably go to a twenty-cent Bic before using any of the carts. I am too cheap to pay $4 a cart to get maybe four shaves out of it.
I would use the Atra. I have a Sensor Excel but it's too expensive to change the cartridges. The Atra shaves great and you can get the cartridges for very cheap compared to other cartridge razors.
Trac ii, shaves close and the refills are cheap, as long as you stay away from the gilette ones:lol:
The original Gillette Sensor. If not that then an Atra preferably with a metal handle. I just won an eBay auction for a Trac II just to try it.
Between Atra and Trac II, I find the Personna Atra compatible cartridges shave much more smoothly than the Persona Trac II compatibles. Don't know why that should be, and they also make cartridges that will fit both. Haven't tried Sensor.

If you're not limiting it to those three, I like the Schick Hydro 3, but I have to break off the goop strip.
I would use a Trac II, however, I also enjoy using an Atra, and Sensor on occasion.

I would probably go to a twenty-cent Bic before using any of the carts. I am too cheap to pay $4 a cart to get maybe four shaves out of it.

Genuine Gillette carts for the Trac II, and Atra are available for as little as $1 each. There are generic carts for the Trac II, and Atra available for as little as .20 cents each, and they are actually usable (these are the Dorco blades sold through Dollar General). Certainly a better experience than using a no-weight Bic.
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Trac II. I have used one the last couple of days with some genuine Gillette carts from 1995 I found at a little general store to shave my head with. I have to admit I really like the results and will shave my face with them sometime. The Dorcos from Dollar General are actually pretty good too, but the Gillettes are better.
I would use the Trac II or Atra.. I like the fact that the Trac II does not pivot. I like the metal handle of the Atra, and the pivoting action is not crazy like the Mach 3.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I'll argue that an injector is a cartridge razor, so I'll stick with that.
Trac II. I have used one the last couple of days with some genuine Gillette carts from 1995 I found at a little general store to shave my head with. I have to admit I really like the results and will shave my face with them sometime. The Dorcos from Dollar General are actually pretty good too, but the Gillettes are better.

I would vote Atra . . . with the DG carts mostly because I am frugal. HT is getting good performance from vintage carts . . . not sure I want to try today's Gillettes.

Many years ago (1999) the Atra was still my daily shaver. I was experiencing a lot of irritation from the Gillette carts, and found the Personnas to be much smoother. I forgot my razor one morning in a hotel room while traveling, and had to buy a new one. (Mach 3 was all the store carried!) Of course, I was using canned goo and poor techniques in those days! :blush:

Fast forward to last month, I picked up an Atra handle and some DG blades - absolutely the best cartridge shave I ever had!

So, my long-winded answer . . . Atra!
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