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What cartridge razor would you use if you couldn't use a safety razor?

I use a Fusion Proglide with the trackball handle. Gives a boringly awesome and effortless shave for me. I don't hate carts I just hate their price. The artisan soaps and creams with a good brush is what I will never give up. That is what makes the difference for me.
Cartridge razors suck so bad. I use one occasionally when I travel and they mutilate my face. I really don't know how they ever got popular. I suppose if you have a really light, soft beard they would work OK. Even with multiple ATG passes I don't get a smooth shave and my fact feels like I used sandpaper to rub the whiskers off.

I would switch to a straight razor before going back to cartridges.
My first razor when I became of shaving age was the Atra, but I liked the Schick Tracer the best. Wilkinson Sword had a three blade version called the Tech 3 sold at Walmart but then was discontinued. That led me into DE razors.
I guess I'd get one of those chrome over brass Trac II handles and bulk buy Personna twin-bladed cart heads online. I've never actually used cartridge razors, primarily because they've been overpriced for as long as I've been shaving. Honestly, I probably would just grow a beard and only shave when absolutely necessary (for job interviews and such).
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