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What blade for my new R41

Beating a dead horse here, but it's Friday so what the hell.
My new R41 arrived in the post today and I'm very excited to give it a whirl tonight, anyone recommend a blade from the following to start with from the ones I have?
Astra SP
Gillette Silver Blue (I've just discovered these, they are shaving nirvana in my R89!! and I thought I was a feather snob until then)
I like ASTRA SPs in my R41. Since the razor is very aggressive, a milder blade helps make it a tiny bit more forgiving
The R41 is one of the few razors that make the Derby blades shine for me. I found all the blades you mentioned suitable for the R41, from best to worst: Feather, Derby, Gillette Silver Blue, then Astra.

My favorite is the Gillette 7 O'Clock Black. The Feathers are pretty harsh on shave 1, but are amazing after that.
I find this razor is very picky about blades. From your list only the GSB works for me. My number one blade for this razor is Super Iridium.
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