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What am I doing wrong?

Every day,minimum of six days a week, I'll shave. Daily prep includes shower or facial scrub with castile soap, Shave Secret pre-shave oil, Merkur Futur DE (Sundays with various STR8's), alum stick, witch hazel, ASB and AS. No problems until a week or so ago. Started developing a rash and dry skin, scaly and peeling. Have tried skipping shaves, alternating soaps and creams, omitting parts of the procedures, but, my face is red, my co-workers comment and my face itches like hell. I've tried moisteurizers, skin creams and other emollients and skipping shaving but without much success. I love shaving, but... The weather here is hot and humid (NC) but I don't remember this problem when I've shaved in other hot environments. Help!


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I would recommend Aloe to calm the red/itch. You can either get a plant or some cream. They are next to the sunscreen lotions usually. As for the skipping/dry skin, something changed for sure. I would recommend Kyle's prep (hot towel for a minute or two before shaving). Best of luck!
Try ditching the facial scrub before the shave. Maybe keep using the pre shave oil as well, but take advantage of the natural oils in your skin to provide lubrication and prevent razor burn, don't wash them away with a scrub before the big game! The exfoliation from even a WTG shave coupled with the mild cleansing action of a soap or cream (especially a soap) should be all you need to keep your face clean. If it's oily 6 hours later try a nightly face scrub (but not at the time you shave).

I also recommend you consider reducing the number of passes you do if you're up in the 3-4 pass range, and perhaps eliminate ATG.
I'd change tactics, especially ditching the pre-shave oil. I've heard very few folks say they like it. There are lots of lotion/balms that have aloe, as folks are saying. I think you're on the right track just for asking...someone has likely had the same, or similar, problems.
Started developing a rash and dry skin, scaly and peeling.
If you've developed this suddenly when there has been no problem whatsoever before, then the shaves are not the cause, but are likely to have aggrevated it. This forum is not where to get advice then, your GP's office definitely is.
If you've developed this suddenly when there has been no problem whatsoever before, then the shaves are not the cause, but are likely to have aggrevated it. This forum is not where to get advice then, your GP's office definitely is.

+100 On this. Skin issues that don't disappear quickly are something you should be talking to your doc about.
Have you tried using a different face wash? I have sensitive skin and castille soap is way too harsh for me. It feels almost as those it is burning my skin when I use it for any length of time. If you have totally changed your entire routine and there is no change, you should def see your GP!!
What is in the castile soap? It should be just olive oil, but that may not be the case. Is it liquid or solid?

How long have you been in this routine before the problem surfaced?

I tend to agree it may not be the shave.
Do you get into the woods a lot?

Are you seeing skin rash anywhere else?

The advice re water is very good. Also seeing a GP.
+1 on seeing your doc. If nothing's changed in your shave, then the shave's not likely to have caused it, unless one of your product manufacturers recently reformulated. Are any of your products new?

+1 on aloe. Best skin repair I've ever found whether it's sunburn, razorburn, etc.

Apart from that, if it were me, I'd simplify your routine dramatically, especially in your post shave.
  1. Probably no need to exfoliate prior to shaving. It's my understanding that a good wet shave exfoliates pretty well all on its own.
  2. I don't use pre-shave oil myself it it seems to me folks who do are in the minority. Kyle's prep works pretty darn good on it's own. That said, I doubt that's irritating your skin.
  3. Post shave, the only thing in your entourage that I use is Witch Hazel (and the occasional styptic pencil for those pesky bleeds). I've found in my years that most comercial products put a minute amount of the good stuff (like Witch Hazel or Aloe Vera) so they can put it on the label. The rest is just window dressing. IMHO, go straight for the natural good stuff.

Good luck.
Folks, if your shaving more than 3 or 4 times a week you have zero reason to exfoliate your face. The razor more than takes care of any need to exfoliate, even without a blade in the razor. Just the mechanical action of using the brush to apply your lather largely takes care of exfoliating the areas you shave. Add dragging a metal bar and a sharp blade across the same place and you are definitely exfoliating without doing anything else.
To All,
Thanks for all the advice. After reading all the replies I think you've all id'd areas where I could the process. For instances, increased fluids, less aggressive passes, less intensive prep, etc.. Thanks again for addressing my concerns. As for seeing a GP, my recents labs were ok and the doc I work with said "dry skin, don't shave so often".
I will do all of the above, but the increased fluids, i.e., water, bothers me. As WC Fields once said, "Water! Fish breed in it".
For the itchyness try some hydrocortizone cream. I got a rash on my arm and I used it so that I wouldn't scratch it and make it worse. If the rash gets worse then you may have a fungal infection (if it gets worse when using hydrocortizone cream then more than likely its a fungus since hydrocortizone is a steriod and it will cause fungus to grow) if this happens stop using it and go see a doctor, I got a fungus infection before and had to go to the doc for anitfungal cream.
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