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Wet shaving for black guys

My brother in law is black and I was looking to get him into wet shaving. I was thinking Christmas gift kit of maybe a Jagger Barley DE like mine w/ accessories. But apparently ingrown hairs and general skin sensitivity is a major concern so many black guys use trimmers instead (as he does currently). This is completely new to me, so wondering if anyone has suggestions or can point me towards some info so I don't end up scaring him off of wet entirely by shredding his face.
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Look at the Shea moisture line of shaving creams and ointments (available at Target) in addition to the EJ. I have a co worker that while his ingrowns and bumps aren't perfect but much better with a DE. There were a couple of good threads about a mans journey from scary ingrown problems, I will see if I can find them.

found them, hope this helps.


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One of the guys at work goes with Palmolive crean 'n' brush but swears by the Gillette Blue disposable, a twin blade that he says keeps his bumps and ingrowns in check. If he cant get them he goes with the BIC single edge dispasable. By the way he tells me he buys on line as the blue are harder to get hold of these days.
I approached a black dude in the Bed Bath & Body store yesterday. He was looking around near the C.O. Bigelow stuff and I mentioned to him that their shave cream was the best; I have been using it for years. He seemed interested. I jotted down "Badger & Blade" for him so hopefully he'll visit here soon.
I also had a nice chat at Walgreens man's shaving isle with an African American guy..he showed alot of interest in DE gear as he had his dads gear for a few years...:)

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Your'e mainly correct in stating, "ingrown hairs and general skin sensitivity is a major concern so many black [men]".

As a man of color, I've lately found that member Barber-Eile's advice (who is a qualified barber...http://barbereile.blogspot.com/2011/...rown-hair.html), to use "regular gentle exfoliation" (I employ a small natural bristle brush...http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthr...ngrown-hair...), morning and night has helped my
ingrown hair condition greatly.

I also found her advice, "If it is just one or two present, the trapped hair can be gently [lifted], with sterilized tweezers [or needle],. The hair should only be coaxed out from under the skin and not plucked out so as to avoid scarring and possible recurrence", to be of a great benefit. :thumbsup:

"A good lather is half the shave". William Hone
I can give a little additional information

My sons and daughters (AA and biracial) have mixed views. My son uses a Quattro, an Injector & a Tech, and has not had problems with ingrowns, but his hair is still thickening up.

Daughter #1 tried using DEs and multiblade razors, and only uses waxing and laser hair removal because of complaints about ingrown hairs. She is the most knowledgeable about hair and HBAs and such.

Daughter #2 used DE's and the all sorts of other razors. She likes to try everything, much as I do, and has little complaints of ingrown hairs.

Daughter #3 uses a Gillette Blue Star DE.

One Child had an ER visit when an ingrown body hair that had been shaved became extremely infected. It was so serious, she had to be driven home because of the anesthesia.

Also, the black males in my coworker's family all use DE's. The reason I know is because I shared some of my GBEs with them a couple of years ago when the blades arrived from the UK @ my office, and we had a discussion about it.
Look at the Shea moisture line of shaving creams and ointments (available at Target) in addition to the EJ. I have a co worker that while his ingrowns and bumps aren't perfect but much better with a DE. There were a couple of good threads about a mans journey from scary ingrown problems, I will see if I can find them.

found them, hope this helps.



Great threads, very appreciated!


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
I have 6 children ranging in ages 28-18. They are biracial. I have two Son In Laws who are married to my 2 oldest daughters. They both use oil and clippers to shave with and their shaves are every bit as close and smooth as any razor can give. It is actually quite amazing watching them skillfully manuever these clippers along their face and neck.

I have introduced DE to one of them not too long ago, yet he started getting bumps and ingrowns on his neck & jawline and went back to what he knows works. I don't think I quite understand why he doesn't get them when he still shaves smooth with clippers. However, I am a firm believer in 'don't fix what ain't broke.
his skin always looks smooth, shiny and healthy.

I guess it really is the skill of the user with the tools and not the tools themselves.
#1 reason for this en devour being his wife said the trimmers didn't do that good of a job
It may be partially the quality of the trimmer, but I do believe in the DE as a superior tool.
My brother in law is black and I was looking to get him into wet shaving. I was thinking Christmas gift kit of maybe a Jagger Barley DE like mine w/ accessories. But apparently ingrown hairs and general skin sensitivity is a major concern so many black guys use trimmers instead (as he does currently). This is completely new to me, so wondering if anyone has suggestions or can point me towards some info so I don't end up scaring him off of wet entirely by shredding his face.

A few months ago one guy said he started with a Merkur Progress and a Feather blade, and then upgraded to a Merkur Vision and a Feather blade which worked the best. He had a real complicated routine but he hit on something that worked for him. He needed the adjustable razor because he used more than one setting. I asked why he would choose the sharpest blade available if his skin was sensitive but he tried everything and this worked.

Maybe that member will find this thread and re-post his routine. I wish I could recall his membername so I could suggest that you PM him.
One of the guys at work goes with Palmolive crean 'n' brush but swears by the Gillette Blue disposable, a twin blade that he says keeps his bumps and ingrowns in check. If he cant get them he goes with the BIC single edge dispasable. By the way he tells me he buys on line as the blue are harder to get hold of these days.
i am sure those poundland stores are doing them at £1 for 5, the gillette blue that is, they are also doing the blue wilkinsons £1 for 5 if they are any good to him.
I'm a Black man that have been DE shaving face and head daily for over three years now. Tell him to SHAVE WTG using light pressure. Prep thoroughly and stick with it. He'll be simply amazed. It took me near two 1/2 years before I've became bump free because my old shaving habits was hard to break. Tell him to listen to the old timers on this site and do not under estimate their knowledge as I did.
I've got his set all packaged up as well as a listing of forum links, PM's I've got, youtube vids, etc... so we'll see :)

Thanks again guys!
I wonder what is best. I've often wondered why these guys couldn't find anything better than electric clippers, but reading these other stories I guess I should just let it be. I guess the technique, and possibly just their experience from using it since he started growing facial hair just makes them better with it than anything else.
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