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Wet Shave Club first time subscriber, Series of reviews

Surely not sounding very good at all! Hopefully they at least send YOU an E.Mail apology and even maybe throw in something tiny. Even just a handful of blades or something!
Surely not sounding very good at all! Hopefully they at least send YOU an E.Mail apology and even maybe throw in something tiny. Even just a handful of blades or something!

I personally would just be happy with the apology as long as it was sincere! I got no problem paying for a product/service if the company at the very least holds up to their values, and being that its the holidays and I know they are a small company (literally owned by a couple) I can understand if things get a bit hectic.

Ok so now it is 12:50am Dec. 10th here in NY. and at 12:08am I sent an email explaining to Wet Shave Club my concerns over my order not being shipped in the time they state, and for being lied to. This was my email to them explaining my concern...

"I emailed Dec. 8th about my concern with my order placed on Dec. 5th. Here was my original inquiry...

"Just wondering as to how long is the general time it takes to receive my shave box? I got the email that my order was shipped on Dec. 5th. My concern is when I check the tracking number, It says only that the shipping label was created but I'm not getting any updates as to when I'll receive my order or even if my order has already left your facility."

I got a quick response and here is what I was told by your company representative..

Hey Roberto,

Your box will be shipping tomorrow! So sorry about that. We were waiting on a new shipment of razors to come in and didn't realize it until we had already printed your label. You should be getting it either this week or early next week! Sorry about any confusion!"

In that statement tomorrow being Dec. 9th I went about my day as usual. Now it is 12:10am on Dec. 10th, I got home, checked the tracking information and my product status has not changed. It still stated that a label has been created but I have no notification that my product has shipped at all and That's bringing a big concern for me as Your website states in your FAQ section "Get started today, and we ship same day." Also I'm concerned that, If the issue of my shipment not being sent was because of a product being out of stock, I'm a bit appalled that no one was quick to notify me of the situation, but instead waited to tell me only after I emailed days later expressing my concern.

So far your company has not lived up to the claim of same day shipping as my order has yet to be shipped 4 days later. I also feel lied to, as I was replied back saying my order will be shipping tomorrow (Dec 9th being that tomorrow) and now My order has still yet to be shipped.

At this point I have two major consumer concerns, which are keeping me from trusting in subscribing to your company any further into the future as one claim wasn't lived up to and I was also now lied to.

I originally subscribed to your company because I believed in what your company is set out to do, and I wanted a great affordable way to get to try and test new products. So far I have yet to see that your company is either honest nor very customer satisfaction oriented, which makes me not want to subscribe in the future. I do hope this incident is an isolated issue, and that something can be done to rectify the negative view of your company that has been brought onto me."

I impressively got an email reply 6 minutes later at 12:14am by Kevin of Wet Shave club and this was his reply...

"You are right, with the influx of customers for December we have been a little overwhelmed.
Our shipment from DHL was supposed to arrive yesterday, but apparently it flew back to it's origin city, and it now being deliveredtomorrow. This has causes us a few issues as you can imagine.

We'd still love to ship out your box tomorrow, or we can refund you.

We are really sorry about this, and not how we want to conduct business but as a small business we have been overwhelmed and are doing what we can to make up for it and get these shipments out the door as soon as possible.

Thank you very much."

Now with that said and done, I appreciated that even at passed Midnight, I was able to get a response from their company, So I threw just one more response to give Wet Shave Club the opportunity to redeem themselves in my eyes as thus far, I had nothing but disappointment. I sent one last email back in response, in which I said....

"If my order can be guaranteed to ship tomorrow (my understanding of tomorrow being Dec. 10th) I will gladly accept vs. gaining a refund for as I stated before, I do wish to try out your company's services as I do believe in what your company has set forth to accomplish. One thing I would say is that your company needs to notify their customers of such back end issues as to not leave them waiting in the dark and to justify not keeping to your company's claimed/stated shipping arrangements. I do thank you for your speedy reply to the matter, which is something I do look for in a company as a consumer. I hope tomorrow brings great news and again Thank you for replying so quickly."

With that said, I will wait til the end of day later on today to see if Wet Shave Club will keep to their end of this issue, and rectify the situation.. I give them much appreciation for replying back so quickly and apparently at any time of day. I do appreciate they don't ignore their customer emails like many of the big company's. So kudo's to them for that. I'm just waiting if they will now keep to their final word that my shipment will proceed tomorrow as he had stated to me. I will keep you gent's updated and Thanks to all of you who have been following this thread. I appreciate your time. Stay Tuned!

So I got a response from the company today. They notified me that their standard razor's have yet to come into stock, which is a slight problem with they vs. DHL, But they gave me an offer of two of their other razors. Normally these other razors would not be given to subscribers, but as they did make a few mistakes handling my order prior, they gave me the option of choosing from one of their other models. I chose to go with their short handled safety razor as I'm a huge fan of the Merkur 34C which is a short handle razor, so I'm hoping this could be something equal to that. They also offered me priority shipping so that I may get my order by the end of this week.

So my reviews started with the first 3 updates relatively bad I would say, but now I have this happy entry. I'm now happy that the company stood by their values and reconciled my issue quickly. Once again I will give credit to them for being quick in responding to customer emails, I give a bit of extra credit that they actually responded to one of my emails after Midnight which was very cool. So now my order should ship today by end of day.

Upon receiving my order this weekend, I will post an Unboxing review, Product review of the razor/soaps/accessories, and a lather + shave review. I will video all these reviews for my Youtube channel. All detais will be posted here on B&B, so stay tuned, and again to everyone who's been reading/following this review thread. I thank you!

So I got a response from the company today. They notified me that their standard razor's have yet to come into stock, which is a slight problem with they vs. DHL, But they gave me an offer of two of their other razors. Normally these other razors would not be given to subscribers, but as they did make a few mistakes handling my order prior, they gave me the option of choosing from one of their other models. I chose to go with their short handled safety razor as I'm a huge fan of the Merkur 34C which is a short handle razor, so I'm hoping this could be something equal to that. They also offered me priority shipping so that I may get my order by the end of this week.

So my reviews started with the first 3 updates relatively bad I would say, but now I have this happy entry. I'm now happy that the company stood by their values and reconciled my issue quickly. Once again I will give credit to them for being quick in responding to customer emails, I give a bit of extra credit that they actually responded to one of my emails after Midnight which was very cool. So now my order should ship today by end of day.

Upon receiving my order this weekend, I will post an Unboxing review, Product review of the razor/soaps/accessories, and a lather + shave review. I will video all these reviews for my Youtube channel. All detais will be posted here on B&B, so stay tuned, and again to everyone who's been reading/following this review thread. I thank you!
thanks for the update, nice to see they are trying to make amends for their mistake.
thanks for the update, nice to see they are trying to make amends for their mistake.

That is definitely one thing I did like about them. Instead of being the type of company that would try to make it look like a customer mistake and just offer me a refund to get me out of their hair, They actually admitted to their mistake and came up with solutions to fix the issue. I think companies that just rush to the refund rather than offering up any idea's for a solution don't really care for their customers. I'm glad to see Wet Shave Club does.
Good to hear they made things right. Looking forward to seeing the rest of your review.

Yea, I originally thought this was going to be a "run around" type situation where nothing gets resolved, but I'm glad the problem was solved calmly and with beneficial solutions for both sides, I finally get my order and They don't lose a subscriber.
As long as they keep onto their word...
Don't want to start 'update one' all over again.

Definitely not. One of my biggest annoyances came from going back to square one issues with a company (bestbuy in that case) But I'm glad Wet Shave Club came to and did help with a resolution that I'm happy with. According to the final Email I got from them, They let me select from two other models they had in stock to make up for not having their standard in stock which would further delay my order if I had waited for it. So instead, I chose their short handle razor... When I emailed back asking if I will be getting a new tracking number or will I be using the same one, They said I'll be getting my package changed to Priority shipping so I'll get a new number. They further went on to tell me they will use my old tracking number to send me a standard razor, so as far as I can tell, it Turns out I'm not just getting one razor, but Two. One standard and one short handle razor. So I'm definitely happy as far as the issues in my previous updates.
Definitely not. One of my biggest annoyances came from going back to square one issues with a company (bestbuy in that case) But I'm glad Wet Shave Club came to and did help with a resolution that I'm happy with. According to the final Email I got from them, They let me select from two other models they had in stock to make up for not having their standard in stock which would further delay my order if I had waited for it. So instead, I chose their short handle razor... When I emailed back asking if I will be getting a new tracking number or will I be using the same one, They said I'll be getting my package changed to Priority shipping so I'll get a new number. They further went on to tell me they will use my old tracking number to send me a standard razor, so as far as I can tell, it Turns out I'm not just getting one razor, but Two. One standard and one short handle razor. So I'm definitely happy as far as the issues in my previous updates.
that's great! looks like they are really trying to make ammends here.
that's great! looks like they are really trying to make ammends here.

I actually was surprised as before, I asked them if My choosing of another model would be to replace the standard or be an addition. They told me The one I choose will be the replacement. So I choose the short handle model. With that said I thought I was merely getting one razor. But in my email after that, where I asked about the tracking information, they mentioned that they will be giving me a new tracking number to send my first shave box as my shipping was changed. Then they said what they will do is use my old tracking number to send me a standard razor.. (remember I originally chose the Short Handle travel razor as a replacement for the out of stock standard in my shave box) So with that said, I believe I'll be getting both which is just awesome!
If that's what they do in the end, I think that would more than make it up for me. At least their being honest and giving reasons.

Honestly I didn't expect they would let me select my own razor and then still send me the standard razor, I would of been happy just getting my normal order with a sincere apology.. This company has definitely has earned back all the lost credit IMHO
I'd love to work for such a company but I'd imagine they wouldn't pay me what I wanted.

Well being that they are still considered a start up company, being around for only the past year or two, yea they wouldn't yet have the ability to pay out what I would say is Normal annual salaries. But I would still go for it if I had the chance only because, I always wanted to work for a company during its expansion, just to be part of the legacy if they company does well and goes on a international scale.
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