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West Indian Limes - give me staying power!

I love using my truefitt west indian limes cream when I shave - lathers well.. and the scent, its my favorite.

But what I find really, really disappointing is that it has no staying power after the shave. The smell disappears very quickly.

My tabac on the other hand - I can smell it throughout the day.

Any other west indian limes out there I should have a look at?
I'll even take a look at west indian limes soap.
I am with you! I find the staying power of truefitt to be short but the lather great. That being said, I like that... I find that I can use whatever aftershave I want without the cream scent interfering!
Lime is a top note and fades quickly. Not goin to find many true lime scents that have any staying power unfortunately.
How about the T&H West Indian Limes aftershave and/or cologne? I haven't used them myself, but I would imagine they have more staying power than the cream by far. Hopefully someone with some experience with them can chime in.
I find all lime scents fade relatively quickly. But why not double up by using a Lime A/S? You could try Trumpers Limes Skin Food to soother your face, or a true A/S like Royal Lyme.
I read about it when I first got into these shaving habits, and the short-livedness of lime (and citrus in general) scents is part of their chemistry, and not just a manufacturers decision to make a short lived scent. I haven't tried TOBS 74 lime, but I've read it's one of the better ones regarding staying power.

I have a sample of the T&H limes cologne. Don't spend the money, it won't fulfill your wishes. Buy samples of the mentioned TOBS and D.R. Harris Winsdor. Winsdor isn't a pure lime, but it has some nice citrus notes that stays for quite a while.
You might want to give the recently released C&E West Indian Limes shaving cream a try. Its not a straight up lime scent though, its blended with vetiver and a few other oils to give it a spicy edge.
Taylor No. 74 Victorian Lime definitely has staying power.
Thanks Mike... am going to down this path.

I read about it when I first got into these shaving habits, and the short-livedness of lime (and citrus in general) scents is part of their chemistry, and not just a manufacturers decision to make a short lived scent. I haven't tried TOBS 74 lime, but I've read it's one of the better ones regarding staying power.

I have a sample of the T&H limes cologne. Don't spend the money, it won't fulfill your wishes. Buy samples of the mentioned TOBS and D.R. Harris Winsdor. Winsdor isn't a pure lime, but it has some nice citrus notes that stays for quite a while.

Thanks for the heads up on the "short-livedness of lime" and avoiding the lime cologne. Will have to remember the short life of lime scents on future purchases.
Am I missing something here, gents? A shaving soap/cream ideally should not have a lingering scent. The use of an aftershave followed an EdT/EdC/EdP would be impossible unless it came from the same stable. I personally want the scent of my soaps to disappear after a cold rinse for that very reason.
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