Indeed! Congrats to whomever it was. I was watching it and had contacted the seller about adding a buy-it-now price, but somebody else beat me to it. I sure hope it was someone here. It looks like an excellent condition set.
Opening packages is a better excuse than mine (working on German).
So even with the cracked handle, $79.95 (shipped) is good?
It's a Criterion Deluxe in spectacular shape. Yes. Yes that's a good deal.
edit: and I didn't know this until today, but this one is chromium plated.
really? I thought the only chromium plated Gillette was a new deluxe Norfolk... (and I don't know where I picked that up....)
Jon. My New Big Boy De Luxe is chrome as well. It is easy to see on the Norfolk and Big Boy. The plating is a much cleaner blue/white then any of my silver plated razors. Except for Krumholz I can't verify the Criterion. Mine is very beautifully gold plated.
It has the discontinued Krona blades, 5 of them. Rare blades, so a good pickup.