I put my Speick stick in a bowl and have used it a few times. This morning I leaned past my daughter to grab something and she said, "It smells like you've been smoking!" I'm thinking... whaaat?
So my wife comes over and leans in close for a sniff and says, "Oh my gosh, it does smell like you've been smoking." I brought out the bowl and neither one thought the soap itself smelled like cigarette smoke (although both disliked it), but on my face that's what I got.
Is this just a weird thing with my body chemistry, or has anyone else gotten this reaction? And now what do I do with my barely used bowl of Speick?
So my wife comes over and leans in close for a sniff and says, "Oh my gosh, it does smell like you've been smoking." I brought out the bowl and neither one thought the soap itself smelled like cigarette smoke (although both disliked it), but on my face that's what I got.
Is this just a weird thing with my body chemistry, or has anyone else gotten this reaction? And now what do I do with my barely used bowl of Speick?