I'm thinking of getting a Simpson Wee Scot. How well does the Wee Scot generate lather using a bowl?
it doesn't. too small. the case can be bowl lathered but it's still a bit small for that too.
these small brushes are to be used as "face lathering" brushes and that is where they shine.
if you are planning on bowl lathering the Wee, save your money as you will likely be disappointed.
It's mostly a facelathering brush. It's a bit cumbersome to use for bowl lathering. It's a pleasure to use once you get a feel for the handle. As long as you don't have sausage fingers, you should be OK.
It does work and gets the job done but b/c of the size of the handle it's not all that comfortable. YMMV.
The Wee Scot is perfect for smaller containers and bowls, like the ones used for Cella and RazoRock.