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Want to try a straight.first timer

considering that the dovois 6-8 months out, the theirs would be a better option of those two. I suggest that you check out Larry at Whipped dog he sells straight razors sight unseen for $41, and strops for $25.
Dovos and TIs are both nice blades. Neither of those is likely to come shave ready, so you'll have to send it back out to get it honed. Also, it looks like you'll be waiting quite a while if you decide on the Dovo. Since you haven't tried this before and don't know yet what you like (or even if you want to keep doing this), why not get a sight unseen razor from whippeddog.com, along with the Poor Man's Strop kit? If you've already got a brush and soap, that will give you evything you need to get started and shave happily for as long as you want (shave ready razor, leather strop, treated balsa strop for touch-ups, extra paste for the balsa strop, oil for the leather strop, handy instructions), and all told it will cost less than the Dovo. If you need a brush and soap, grab those from Larry, too.
That TI (the first link) is a nice razor for the money. That said, as said above, Larry at whippeddog.com has great starter kits cheap. It's worth a look.

If you decide on the TI, be aware it may require some honing. Some of the factory edges are sub-par IME. If you do and it ends up needing honing, PM me and I'll gladly do it for free.
You will need someone to hone the razor first. I'd suggest looking at vendors who hone them themselves. Also vendors who actually have them in stock(the dovo says ships within 6 to 12 MONTHS--not a good sign). I had a good experience with the superior shave. The website spells out exactly what's in stock and they ship same or next day.

You will also need a strop. Don't spend too much on your first strop as you will nick it with the razor as you are learning. The superior shave sells strops at a range of prices but its hard to beat the poor mans strop at whippeddog.com for a beginner. You can also get a very functional, very well honed vintage razor from whipped dog as well. Most economical is the sight unseen deal he has.

The cheapest razors you can get that can shave well are gold dollar razors. With these its even more important to get them from someone who knows how to deal with them as they need a lot of work when they are sent out from the factory. You can find threads in the hobbyist forum where members are selling either gold dollars with the minimum done to get them sharp enough to shave (shave ready) http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showth...old-Dollars-66-22-shipped-CONUS-2ND-HONE-FREE! or some that have been transformed into beautiful works of art (here's the most recent example: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/356853-Worked-over-whisker-whackers).
Obiwan, thanks for the kind offer. I've been DE shaving for 15 years, and want to step it up a notch. Have brush and good soaps. I'll check whippedog and I'll hit u up if a need a hone. Thanks
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