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2024 Badger Wrap

Reflecting on this year, I think the thing that I enjoyed the most was how my honing came on. I can now consistently get lovely edges, across an array of different hones, natural and synthetic.

I tried a couple of new things, and the one that I enjoyed the most was my Zenith Unbleached Boar. That thing is just a delight to use.

Some other stats from the year for me.

311 shaves: almost all straight razors shaves. Two travel shaves with Fakelite Slant and one with my Wunderbar just to keep my hand in.
Most used grind: half hollow
Most used razor: Koraat 14 2.0 Bellied Hollow
Most used soap: Eufros (28%!)
Most used brush: Boar
Most used aftershave: Myrsol
In 2025, I am comitting to my first GRUYERE, and am determined to continue to focus on using what I have, including getting the most out of my coticules.

What about you? Highlights from 2024? Things you learned? Resolutions for 2025?

I hope that all the upstanding brothers here have a happy and fulfilling 2025! :D
What a year it’s been. I became a B&B contributor and said goodbye to the ads. I went on a deep dive into the world of Jnats. With some help from my friends, I’m now getting excellent results with my new favorite finisher. Stones are up. Soaps are down. Jnats are in. Coticules are out. Razors and brushes are mostly flat. I finally found a Royal Copenhagen lather bowl but I’m still looking for the elusive MOP Heljestrand.

The den is well and truly at capacity now. I thought about joining the 2025 GRUYERE but can’t handle the pressure. From here on in I intend to operate a one in / one out policy. I may even trim this down a bit in 2025. The monthly shave budget will be getting directed at other things. I might even pick up some index funds with the money that I’m saving on shaving.
Had a great 2024 year! Didn't get anything crazy gear wise I believe, but have been enjoying the jnats a lot. 2025 will probably have less time spent in the hobby, but still rolling strong. Looking forward to rotating my razors around more than I have in the past.

Out of the hobby, I finally moved back to the states. Partner and I both got some big promotions, as well as a new family pup. Going to also try and pick up more days at the gym this year.

Cheers 🍻


Ask me about shaving naked!
2024 was a good year hobby wise. Having done this for well over a decade, acquisitions are not high except for certain kinds of JNats and certain brands of razors, which I will only buy in near mint/NOS condition.

366 shaves, all with a straight razor except one, a Bic Metal and bar soap, which is what I used when working, to comment in a thread on the Bic.

Most used razors: Filarmonica 14 and Japanese.
Most used soaps/creams: Boellis, I Coloniali, Aqua di Parma, PdP, Stirling, La Toja. I like to rotate.
Most used hones: JNat of course, though I have been acquiring a few cotis, Thuris, and slates.
Most used After shave: Myrsol followed by Floris, various lavenders, and AdP
Most used brush: SOC synth, but also other synths

Happy new year everyone!
In 2024 I made the transition from DE to straights. Was full of trepidation in the beginnng and by and large wish I had done this sooner. Now shave 90% of the time with straights and after cutting my teeth on Gold Dollars have now discovered a penchant for vintage straights. For 2025 want to learn and practise honing my own razors although do not have any stones at present and wouldn’t know where to start. Also planning on attending the gym more regularly and shed some timber
For 2025 want to learn and practise honing my own razors although do not have any stones at present and wouldn't know where to start.

A natural finisher would be my recommendation. Sure, it opens the rabbit hole, but you can be fatalistic and acknowledge that it is going to happen anyway. You are in the UK, aren't you? Get a Charnley: you'll get a fantastic edge without any real messing about. :)
So would that mean I just had the one stone then. I thought I needed to go through the process of setting a bevel then go through progression before arriving at the finishing stone
You only need to drop down to a lower grit if you damage the edge. With a known good edge, you could just strop between shaves and then once you find the edge dropping off a bit, touch it up on your finisher. As long as you don't drop it, or ding it on the sink, that could keep you going for ages.

Over time, you may choose to invest in more stones and start learning how to set a fresh bevel and move up through the stages of refinement, but it is not necessary.
This year I began my SR journey. I've been at it for about 8 months or so and it's been one heck of an experience!

I've come to love it and for the first time in my life, I actually can't wait to shave. It hasn't always been easy, as I made quite a mess out of my face at times. So much so that my wife begged me to stop. But I was determined and didn't quit and now my shaves are smooth and clean. My razor collection stands at 11 right now. Some were purchased shave ready and others not. I'm still working on my honing skills and I'm getting the hang of it slowly. It's a real process however and harder than I thought. I have a decent collection of stones, maybe to many for a guy at my level. I probably should have stuck with one or two and become proficient with them before moving onto more. But I caught the bug and I "needed" more stones! Lol

On a personal note, I completed my my prostate cancer treatments in 2024 and they've recently OK'd testosterone to bring me back and I'm feeling fantastic now and like I can live forever now. I'm back to working out a bit and I've lost 30 lbs. I feel like Superman! So I'm very thankful for 2024!
During 2024, I slowed down in terms of buying gear (12 razors and 4 stones) and even sold a few things. I had the fortune of visiting the Ardennes-Coticule mine and shop and meet Maurice and Rob (which was very exciting). But there were definitely periods where I bit off more than I could comfortably chew and allowed myself to get too busy.

My goal for 2025 is let up on the accelerator a bit and try to enjoy the scenery as it passes by - essentially take a deep breath, slow down, do less with more focus and try to enjoy and absorb the experiences.
First, congratulations on the improvement of your health, @Saloogie!

Second, sounds like you are doing all the right things and having many of the same experiences as your fellow members. This is a journey.
Thank you Frank! You don't realize how important health is until you lose it.

Yes it is a journey, and if I had to give any advice to another newbie, I would tell them to be patient and enjoy the learning stage. 🙂
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