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Walgreen's Gem SS vs Pella Coated Blades: Any Differences?

I'm sorry if this is redundant, but I have seen so much conflicting information regarding this question. Are the Walgreen's stainless steel blades the same as the "coated" blades that are sold by places like Ted Pella? I only ask because I am curious if there is enough of a difference to try some of the coated blades.

I love the shave that I get from my 1912 and I have an OCMM incoming (if the USPS decides it can get it from Wisconsin to NJ in less than a week), but I shaved twice on a SS blade, then put it away for a few weeks. For the third shave, there was so much pulling in my moustache area that my lips were actually swollen for a period. However after this swelling went down, I had no ill effects associated with my standard razor burn and I did get a close, nick-free shave.

Basically I want to know if the coated blades are worth trying instead of just the standard stainless blades. I have read that people get so many shaves out of these blades, so I was a little bummed at the discomfort I experienced during my third shave with a blade. Anyone have any thoughts?
Your Wallgreen stainless steel blades were coated. They come uncoated only if they are intended for industrial use.
I don't think that's quite true.....

Pella sells both uncoated and coated - I believe both can be used for shaving.
I never saw a Walgreens/Walmart/CVS stainless pack that had the word "coated" on it.
There have been microscope pics that show differences in bevel.
There have been posts where users say they can't tell the difference.
I don't think that's quite true.....

Pella sells both uncoated and coated - I believe both can be used for shaving.
I never saw a Walgreens/Walmart/CVS stainless pack that had the word "coated" on it.
There have been microscope pics that show differences in bevel.
There have been posts where users say they can't tell the difference.

+1. So does EMS. Some folks like the coated blades and some the uncoated blades. Take a look here for some info on SE blade.s
See this is where my confusion lies. There seems to be a lot of mis-information out there about the stainless steel blade types and whether or not they are coated. I am pretty sure I have read in some places that the Walgreen's blades are coated as well and are the same as the Pella blades.
Thanks for the links Jim. I have previously read through both of those, but it really seems like no conclusion has been reached as to whether or not the Walgreen's blades are the same as the "Pella" PTFE blades. I guess for now I should try out the Treet blades I can buy locally. I don't want to buy a giant quantity of the PTFE blades if they aren't going to do a better job than what I use now.
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