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Vulfix SB 375

Just shaved using for the first time my new Vulfix super badger:001_wub:

It is amazing how much less time it takes to produce lather. Also lather is more thick and dense!!

However 4 hairs were ditached from the brush. I believe that this may be normal because it is the first time?

Antique Hoosier

Vulfix makes great brushes no doubt. My Vulfix #41 is my favorite brush. That amount of hair loss is not abnormal at all. Enjoy it!


B&B's Man in Italy
Vulfix brushes are excellent.
A few hair lost should not be something to worry about.
Enjoy your new shaving brush!
Its normal for a brush to shed a few hair the first few times you use it. It should settle down after a few days though. Having said that, I've owned 2 Vulfix brushes, they've both been shedders. The first was so bad, I was losing 2-4 hair every day for the first 6 weeks, and I returned it to the vendor. I've had the second one for over 6 months now, and it still sheds a couple of hair every few shaves after daily usage.
I own 2 Vulfix super badgers. They are used often in my 7 brush rotation, and I've had no problems with either. I find the Vulfix to be a well made brush. :001_tongu
4 hairs is fine, will stop soon.

I too have recently acquired a Vulfix brush. The 26mm knot #41. Have used the legendarily dense brushes like Rooney and Shavemac. This new Vulfix is instantly my favourite. Hope you enjoy yours as much as I am mine :thumbup1:
Well after 2 more shaves Ive seen only 1 hair and nothing more....

I really really like the softness and the effectiveness of this beauty:001_smile
I have one also. No real hair loss to date, just a couple the first few shaves. I've used mine on everything from Palmolive SC to Williams Mug Soap with great results everytime. Like it alot and feel it's a great value.
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