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Vintage Merkur Slant - Replacement Handle REDUX Round IV - Smooth Dark Wood [PICS]

I REALLY like this one. Again, the white handle is less than ideal, but this looks and feels great in the hand.

Definitely much better just turned basic - no detailing or texturing. Probably could get away with a couple tiny grooves, but as it is I'm happy with this one.

So, with that I may stop for a while. I would like to try another wood handle but using a very bright wood - maybe silver birch. Also basic turned. We'll see :)

Thanks all for the feedback!


Now you're getting somewhere, Rob! That looks great. I definitely prefer that to having any kind of curves or grooves in the handle. Very nice. The tip doesn't fit (but does look better), but you know that :). You were going to try to do some sort of cap to put over the tip, right?

Edit: I don't know...maybe the tip will grow on me...
Go with a little bulbous action. Fatter in the middle and tapered to the ends.

Looking NICE!!

Keep the knob white for sure!
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