A confession: for the longest time (well over a year) I more or less discounted all of the praise for vintage Gillettes and felt that my Merkur lineup was as good or better. I added a Tradere, and figured I had finished my razor acquisitions.
Then, in a trade I ended up with a user grade Aristocrat. I bought a Slim and Fatboy on a whim. Cleaned them all up with your help, and started using them.
Wow. The Aristocrat gives a terrific shave with minimal effort. The Slim and Fatboy I start on 8 for the first pass then dial it up to 9 for the 2nd and touch up pass. The angles are a little different than a modern Merkur, but once I got the hang of it I have gotten nothing less than a DFS+, and BBS is now pretty much the norm. No irritation to speak of, and no weepers for weeks now that I have the angle down.
Gillette had it completely dialed in (pun intended) when they hit this stretch. I am seriously contemplating selling the entire Merkur collection I have and using the proceeds to acquire more Gillettes.
Question: I am looking at a Red Tip, and a 1970s Super Adjustable. I want to eventually end up with a Rhodium Slim and Fatboy. Any others which are similar to a FB/Slim on 8-9 and the Aristocrat? Any must haves from the 20s and 30s which are similar in aggression?
Then, in a trade I ended up with a user grade Aristocrat. I bought a Slim and Fatboy on a whim. Cleaned them all up with your help, and started using them.
Wow. The Aristocrat gives a terrific shave with minimal effort. The Slim and Fatboy I start on 8 for the first pass then dial it up to 9 for the 2nd and touch up pass. The angles are a little different than a modern Merkur, but once I got the hang of it I have gotten nothing less than a DFS+, and BBS is now pretty much the norm. No irritation to speak of, and no weepers for weeks now that I have the angle down.
Gillette had it completely dialed in (pun intended) when they hit this stretch. I am seriously contemplating selling the entire Merkur collection I have and using the proceeds to acquire more Gillettes.
Question: I am looking at a Red Tip, and a 1970s Super Adjustable. I want to eventually end up with a Rhodium Slim and Fatboy. Any others which are similar to a FB/Slim on 8-9 and the Aristocrat? Any must haves from the 20s and 30s which are similar in aggression?