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Videos How to Make Your Handwriting Personal

I think the key to improving your handwriting is pretty simple: learn to slow down and properly form the letters. After you do that, slowly start building up speed. I've always been a fast writer, but after practicing that simple technique, I can now write things that people can actually read :lol:
I agree 100% with OldSchoolYoungin.
I actually got the manual and found that the meat of what is presented in regard to improving penmanship is in the videos. The manual will teach you how to write cursive italic or cursive business hand, if that is your interests, as well as tips for improving the legibility of your handwriting. The manual comes in loose leaf form so you can put into a three ring binder. It also allows for photocopying the practice pages which is encouraged by the author so you can see improvements over time.
So while its not a huge investment for the manual, I personally question the value that I got from it. That being said, its not bad and really depends on what you want to accomplish.
Learn cursive italic or business hand? Yes
Improve penmanship? No
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I agree with slowing down. I had a friend in high school with excellet hand writing.
He took his time and it showed. The only problem was you had to wait for him to write stuff down.
I can see why most people speed up and take the shorter route.

My handwriting looks like my hand is constanly spasming.
It's herky jerky and all over the place.
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