Just thought I'd share the latest additions to my den, a Shavemac 177 Silvertip brush, 23mm knot & TOBS Jermyn Street soap in the wooden bowl, presents from my wonderful girlfriend for my birthday which was on Thursday.
Congrats and Happy Birthday! That brush looks beautiful, as well as the wooden TOBS bowl. I've been very curious about Jermyn st lately, as I've got the TOBS itch!
Thanks for the b'day wishes and comments guys, have used the brush a couple of times now and the softness feels so luxurious on my face and it holds a ton of water compared to my PB brush.
@Memphis - I did give her option # 1,2 & 3 for the brush (she managed to get my first choice) but the TOBS soap was a complete surprise, definitely a keeper.
She's an eye roller as well when my packages rock up, but knows that there could be worse things to spend money on, so is pretty supportive of my new hobby.
Bought myself a Crabtree & Evelyn West Indians Lime soap puck at the mall (present to myself) so am looking forward to giving that a shot too.