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USB Microscope 200x or 400x?


If you were going to get a microscope to check out your edges would you get a 400x or 200x? Maybe 400x is too much already and would make focusing too hard and 200x is already very good, but I don't know I have never tried either.

If you ahve some pics from either that would be cool.

if you have adjustable magnification 400 is not a bad thing, I find that 100 is enough to see what you need, but for detailed pics I'd take 400x if I had the option.
if you have adjustable magnification 400 is not a bad thing, I find that 100 is enough to see what you need, but for detailed pics I'd take 400x if I had the option.

I think just about all are not adjustable, they are lower say 20x and a higher, that's usually all they have.
Without a quality USB camera, increased magnification will look like caa-caa.

Given the choice between you have given us (200x, 400x), without any other info, I'd recommend the 200x.
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