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Update on my Den!

Well, my shave den has started growing since my first purchase. I started out with a Merkur long handle, a parker brush, and a colonel conk stand along with a tub of TOBS sandalwood. Since then, I have purchased a puck of Plisson Shave Soap, a tube of Old Spice Fresh Lime, and a puck of Crabtree and Evelyn to share with my old man. I also ordered a puck of Dragon Blood from Mama Bear. On top of that, on impulse I bought 3 pucks of soap from Stirling Soap for only a dollar a puck! Ross was super helpful, and when I had trouble with my paypal, he simply made a new order form on his etsy store so I could go and pay with credit card. He always replied to me within the hour! A super gentleman if I can say so myself. :001_cool: On top of that, I have also ordered a vintage starter kit from Garry's Sample Shop. Garry was also super helpful as this kit was for my dad and he wasn't really interested in the boar brush so Garry let me remove it from the set and gave me a great price. And lastly, I have also requested that a custom scuttle be made for me by Robert Becker. Also a top notch guy! Quick responds, and very clear instructions. I am trying to take break from making purchases, but I am still hopeful in acquiring an R41 and a better brush, maybe a Simpsons Colonel. Or a custom Rudy Vey if I can hold on to my money for that long. Hopefully I'll be able to settle down after that!!


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Yes! I must have some Savon A Barbe soap! Where did you get it? Is it available online?

I'm sure its avaliable online somewhere. In fact, here's a link http://www.royalshave.com/p/422-023...ic-bowl.html?gclid=COKQ4pm6wLQCFU-d4AodFGYA-A Everywhere else seems to be out of stock. I bought mine in a store called Colonial Drug in Cambridge, near Boston. It was quite pricey but I loved the scent. Maybe I'll use it a bit and sell it off once I'll be allowed to post in buy/sell part of the forum
Royal Shave has it in stock with a ceramic bowl but, it cost twice as much as the refill.... so, I'll be watching BST for your post!
The Colonel X2L is a great badger. It was my first "good" brush and really kicked up my game when I was starting out. I replaced it with a Duke 3 early in 2012 and I'm still kicking myself for selling the Colonel.
Very nice. How's the old spice cream?

Definitely not for me. It smells pretty nice but it dries the heck out of my face. Even though I rinse and apply aftershave. It's currently in my dad's possession. If it's not his cup of tea either I suppose I'll just PIF it since it wasn't very expensive
They also have the refill puck in metal tin for $24.95.

The refill is "Out of Stock" at Royal Shave. Unfortunately, for all of us, the OP mentioned that it's out of stock everywhere in post #9... except in the ceramic jar for over $52.95 + shipping. That's too costly for my wallet!
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Dirty Donuts are so Good.
The refill is "Out of Stock" at Royal Shave. Unfortunately, for all of us, the OP mentioned that it's out of stock everywhere in post #9... except in the ceramic jar for over $52.95 + shipping. That's too costly for my wallet!

Out of stock everywhere? I have never tried it, Is it that good?
Out of stock everywhere? I have never tried it, Is it that good?

I'll say this. It's good but it's not oh my god this is so amazing I need to stock enough of it till the end of the world good. I bought it without knowing too much about it, just loved the scent. Its a good soap but it's not super good. Maybe it was simply discontinued.
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