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Unsolicited opinions, musings, and ramblings from a grumpy old man’s recliner.

As I sit and ponder, which I seem to do more often as I grow older, it seems to be that I need a massive den purge.

Talk me out of it.

I have eight “modern” razors, most on the premium end of the scale, but, I only LOVE four of them. The unloved include a Blackbird titanium and an Atelier Durdan Vestige, for what it’s worth. Ive already sold both of my Roccas, my Blackbird SS, and my Vector.

I also have, if I’m counting correctly, 15 vintage razors (six Techs, two Aristocrats, three Super Sspeeds, a Fatboy, two NEWs (LC and SC), and two Ever-Ready Gems. I’m not wild about any of the TTOs and, while I like my Techs, I like my NEWs much more.

And, lest I forget, I have three Kamisori barber razors (Feather AC SS, Feather AC DX, and Schick Proline). The two Feathers have never been opened, the Proline is from the 90s.

Brushes? Lord, please help me. I have a half-dozen premium boars brand new in boxes that it will be years before I ever think of using (I blame Rudy Vey and his brilliant work for part of that); I also have 3-4 restored vintage brushes sitting idle.

Time is short and it seems prudent to focus on the kit that has proven to work flawlessly.

I wouldn’t say that I’m going minimalist; if I proceed, I’ll be left with four top-tier modern razors and three vintages, as well as a dozen-ish premium boar brushes.

What do you think?
That sounds like a rather impressive collection of kit and clearly it has had meaning for you in acquiring it.

I've an extremely modest set of razors of which include very recent acquisitions of 1 NLC and 1 NSC (my absolute favorite razors I've ever used) in addition I've 2 Techs, 1 Leaf and an Artist Club Kamisori that sees little use. (Over the years I've had TTOs, carts and an electric: all of which are gone.) Add, three brushes, 1 scuttle and 1 silcone collapsible shave bowl.

Truly, no where close to the array you've collected.

I'm not so much a minimalist, though I aspire to need less, collect less and enjoy that which I have more fully. Space for me is extremely limited.

Over the years I've gone through periodic "edits" as I call them, you noted "...den purge".

I'm all for edits. Taking periodic stock in one's stuff and letting it go, either by sale, donation, gifting. There is a release that happens for most who engage in this sort of activity that can trigger deeper insight into oneself, aside from the exhale that happens when lightening one's load.

Ironically with the several "edits" I've done with various items/areas in my life, I seem to end up having the space filled in to some extent not long after. Not exactly certain how that happens, it just has.

Long way around to say...go for it. Find the pieces of your collection that give you the greatest joy to use, perhaps keep a couple of those brushes and let go of the rest in a manner you see fit.

I don't see any downside to taveling that path.


Ditto, ditto
Shaving perfection.

DFS++, comfortable, musical, fantastic.

Warm water splash prep.

Lambda Athena
Personna Lab Blue (3)
Cella Red
Zenith 507 unbleached boar, scuttled in Dad’s coffee mug

(Note: Dad’s 86th Birthday was yesterday)

Wrapped thing up with a hot shower, Dickinson’s Original, and Skin Bracer.

Cheers, gents!



Ditto, ditto
Late posting today.

Fabulous shave with a new Lab Blue in my Athena. Used an unbleached Zenith 507 and Vitos Red + Coco. This is such a good soap with a scrubby boar.

Without the audible feedback I'd hardly know I was shaving Two passes, limited buffing, ended up with a DFS+, could call it a BBS.




Ditto, ditto
Late shave this evening after missing yesterday's shave, so, I hit the Athena with 2.5 days of hobo-like growth. Other than the increase in the bronze beauty's music, I couldn't tell. DFS+ in two passes, as usual.

Use a new SOC Taj boar and Arko (puck) to build a great lather and went with Old Spice Original for a quiet evening.

Cheers, all!



Ditto, ditto
Had a disappointingly mediocre shave with a NEW Short Comb yesterday. Couldn't get close, blade felt roughy, bad all around.


Started the new week with Le Maurice. I love this razor. A glorious 10/10, even with residual tenderness under my chin and upper lip. Truly fantastic.


I hope my US mates have enjoyed the long weekend and that the rest of you started your weeks off well.



Ditto, ditto
Awesome afternoon shave. Now that warm weather is upon us, I think the majority of my shaves will be afternoon or evening. Always something needs doing in the daytime, according to Grammy Anne.

Razor: Le Maurice
Blade: Lab Blue (2)
Soap: ARKO!
Brush: SOC Boar

Shower after shave, then Dickinson’s original, then Aqua Velva Ice Blue.

Close, comfortable, easy shave. Two-pass DFS+, near BBS.

Cheers, all!



Ditto, ditto
A beautiful day in SE Pennsylvania and a beautiful shave to top it off.

I’m saying BBS today, exteremely comfortable. The third shave on a Lab Blue is typically the best for me, so I toss them after three. this was so good I’ll go for number four Tom orrow.

The always-faithful Maurice behaved himself well and left me smooth and soft.

Tried a different Zenith brush today, a 505. Knot is supposed to be 28x57, but, I neglected to measure in. I don’t think it’s a 57mm loft, though. If you gents want a scrubby brush, this is the one. Typical Zenith quality on the resin handle, this one being Coral Red.

Soap was Cella Red, aftershave was Skin Bracer.




Ditto, ditto
Good morning, gents!

Morning shave today. Off to get my retinas checked to confirm I qualify for cataract surgery, then I'm going to build a new set of steps onto the patio for Anne.

Dug out the Carbon Cx-Ti today. Haven't used it in a few weeks, sadly. It is a wonderful shaver and by far the most prominent in terms of audible feedback. Didn't shave yesterday, so it was really singing today.

Two-pass DFS on 48 hours growth gives this shave a 10/10.

Blade was a new AccuForge, soap was Vitos Red + Coco, and brush was a Zenith 507 boar.

Cheers, all!



Ditto, ditto
One man's opinion, but, Sean at Carbon Shaving Co. truly gets costumer service. He answers every email promptly, he tracks packages and sends daily updates when the USPS sends packages to PR instead of PA, and he makes a fantastic product. That webbed base plate...

Still, his razors don't get much love on B&B. I don't get it. His razors aren't cheap, but his stainless and titanium models are in line with other companies and his material outages don't seem to last nearly as long as some. Also, his razors are all polished, so there's no upsell.

I can easily picture myself shaving with only Cx razors and, of course, my beloved Le Maurice.

Maybe because they shave so much like my Flat Bottom Tech?


Ditto, ditto
Shaving bliss. An unchased BBS, two passes, zero discomfort. Verified with alum, only the mildest tingle around my Adam’s apple.


Prep: warm water splash

Razor: Carbon Shaving Co. Cx-Ti/Web
Blade: AccuTec AccuForge (2)
Soap: ARKO!
Brush: Semogue SOC Boar, Butterscotch handle

Post: warm/hot shower, then Dickinson’s Original

Aftershave: Osage Rub
Fragrance: Guerlain Vetiver EDT

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