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Unexpected shave results last night

After 3 shaves without any issue and awesome results with my Schik Krona packing a new Gillette Silver Blue, I wanted to try the blade in my SS. Sunday nights are my most valued shave nights. So the Spanish Fig and Nutmeg lather came out more airey than normal. (this after 2 weeks of tallow based soaps) The lather looked suspect. It whipped up fast but airey.

Anyway, 2 passes with the GSB and i had to set it down. It was like it just clipped the tops of the stubble. In addition, i even tried this shave AFTER my shower as to my normal process of before the shower. I reached for the Krona. It was cued up with a Wilkinson black box blade. The Krona and Wilky finsihed the shave.

Was it full moon last night? I know the SS is a touch milder than a Krona, but geezo, you would'a thought i didnt have a blade at all in there. I'm willing to bet i put it back in the Krona and get a tight drama free shave. The fig and nutmeg was way to fluffy. I think I added a touch too much water and it turned to fluff. Did some research after the fiasco, it is veggie based. I thought it was tallow. I guess it had me fooled, it is usually a strong performer.

I guess this proves a good performing match in one razor can be doomed in another. I was about to go running down the streets proclaiming the glory of the GSB, but i have say now it SUCKS in a Gillette SS.
It may be that it's not suited to your Gillette, but the problem could be the blade was dull from the previous shaves, or the lather's airiness doomed the shave. Before writing the blade/razor combo off, why not try a fresh blade with creamy lather? It might give you a better idea of what you are dealing with. Enjoy your shaves!
Odd, I had the same experience the first time I used a Red Personna in my EJ89. It left a little stubble everywhere, even after several passes, even after trying another blase. I tried one again a few weeks later after using some different blades and it was BBS. I think it was just my technique getting better over that time but it was the weirdest thing. I was ready to chuck the pack of blades after trying the first two.

Could it be your technique with one razor is subtly different from what's needed with the other?

I'm sure it isnt the blades fault. It didnt show a hint of slowing down when it was in the Krona. Other than experimenting, i dont know what posessed me to swap the 3 shave GSB into the SS. I can call FAIL on this one. Its going back into the Krona where it seemed happier. As for the lather, i hate waste. Standing there lathered from nose to neckline, i didnt want to wash it off and start over. Especially sisnce this stuff smells so awesome. I did try to load the brush an extra third time and whipped it with the remaining lather i previously built, and added/mixed that to what i had on my face. Like i said, i think i was to generous with the initial water add. Once it whipped into seafoam, i couldnt get it to thinken up from there.

I wont have a problem tonight. on the menu is Stirling Soap's Scott's Pine sheep soap. Hard pressed to get air in that lather, and its slick as wheel bearing grease. I am resting my arm now in preparation for the work it will be doing.
It happens, unfortunately. Even with my most surefire soaps and razor sometimes things just don't go quite right. It's not always apparent what went wrong, but I think we've all been there. In regards to the Spanish Fig and Nutmeg soap, I've been using it exclusively for a couple months and it's good stuff, but it is very possible to add too much water and end up with a subpar lather. Of course it's also easy to add too little water and have simar problems, but still a great soap on the whole.
Tonight went off very well after I swapped blades back as they were. My sunday nights are always special as its my fig and nutmeg night. Just peeved it all went south, one issue after another. The GSB pulled through as expected. So, on another note Galengwath, how long does your Fig and nutmeg soap puck last you? I have used mine at least once a week, sometimes twice a week Since Jan and I can still see the imprint of the soap label on the top. I know its triple milled and a hard soap but this is good stuff and seems to have great longevity. Of course I follow up my shave with the matching balm. I think in a few paychecks I am going to place the order for the matching cologne. I love tallow for the wonderful shaves I get with them, and this stuff is a strong imitator of a tallow shave. It just smells so awesome, I want it to last all day.
This is my first puck of it, and I've been using it exclusively since early January, but I only shave 2-3 times a week or so. It's going to last quite a long while, I think. And you're quite right, it does smell absolutely amazing!
I can probably get a better shave with my Merkur 15C without a blade than I can with my Superspeed with a Feather...
I get what you are saying. My stubble is not that thick or coarse, but it still needs cut. My SS works, and it is usually smooth after the third lather and shave. The Krona can do it in 2. I am starting to like more agressive razors. That is to say, i enjoy the step from the SS to the Krona. Now to take the next step to something with even more bite.

Just grown a bit impatient with the little SS.
I'm also learning that different combos yield different results. I read all about it here on this forum, but needed to find out for myself. I haven't yet tried enough different blades in my different razors, but I am noticing that I'm leaning more toards an agressive razor. The mild razors seem to leave more behind, which means more passes, which invariably means more irritation...at least that's what I'm finding in my own routine.
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