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Unboxing my first Coti, from Ardennes! (Pic heavy)

So SWMBO got me my first Coticule for Fathers day!

I have been honing with films since last year and can get some pretty good edges, but something happened a few months ago, Scott (Life2Short1971) offered to hone a razor and after receiving it and shaving with his coti edge I was hooked! I had to have a coti :thumbup:

So 6 days after ordering direct from Ardennes I got a package and here are the pics:

Here is the box as it arrived:

$photo 1.jpg

And here is the open box showing the coti with bubble wrap:

$photo 2.jpg

Here is the slurry stone:

$photo 3.jpg

Here is the wooden box that came with the coti:

$photo 4.jpg

Here is the coti perfectly wrapped in paper:

$photo 5.jpg

More pics on the next post, please scroll down...
Here is the actual coti, I do not know what vein it is since it did not say on the site and I asked via email but did not get an answer, any ideas of what vein it can be? it measures 150x50mm. It looks to be chamfered already and I assume Ardennes laps them correct?

$photo 11.jpg

Side view of the coti, it seems quite thick to me, but keep in mind this is my first coti:

$photo 12.jpg

And here is the brochure that came with it:

$photo 32.jpg
Very nice, Carlos!! Your're going to enjoy honing on it (and you'll enjoy the edges even more once you get it figured out!!)

Your stone looks like a La Grise to me, BTW....I suppose it could also be a La Grosse Blanche, but I think more likely La Grise..(could be wrong here, though)
That's a nice one! I bought one from Ardennes packaged just like that - it looks just like mine. Mine was called a "Creamy La Dressante"
Always a good idea to lap it yourself. All you need is a flat marble plate from home depot(about 5 bucks), and some wet/dry paper in 400/600/800/1000 grit.

i only used to go up to 600 grit, but after reading a bunch of threads here bumped up the grits I use to finish lapping. It seems to make a noticeable difference.
Nice stone.
Check it with a straight-edge - if it needs to be lapped then that's that.
If not - then have at it.
Nice one!

Judging by the number of photos you're about as excited as I reckon I'll be... Photos of bubble-wrap!

Just ordered my own there, had to go for the 40mm width though, hope I won't regret that, but it's my first hone and already testing the budget! haha. I've had nothing but my strop to keep my razor in shape since I got it back in september, so its getting to the stage where I think I need to try touch it up, hopefully I can get the hang of it quick enough, because my only back-up is the dreaded cartridge!

Hope it works out well for you.
Congrats. You're a better man than me. I could never pause to take photos. I tend to tear through the box like a kid on Christmas morning.
Great move. I'd say 100% La Grise. Don't always believe what people say about La Grise - the majority are more than capable of getting a razor perfectly shave ready. Now's the fun part - you gotta learn to use it.
I'd suggest starting by trying the Unicot method - it may seem like cheating but I promise it isn't. You'll get the hang of honing faster that way than trying a full on dilucot straight off.
To be honest I don't use either methods any longer - you get to develop your own style and the end result is more important than sticking to the steps you will so fervently follow in the beginning.
good luck, we look forward to seeing your posts on the hone forum and what did you hone today thread!
You should have picked it up personally :wink2:

No joking, it's a great place to spend a few days (when it's not raining) ... we used to hike there a lot when we didn't have kids yet.
Thanks for all your nice comments and tips guys!

I am happy to report my first success honing with this coti!

I followed the unicot method to the letter on a Dovo and after stropping on linen/leather I got HHT4 all along the edge, I shaved with it this morning and enjoyed the smooth edge, I am super stoked, I can't wait to go home and hone some more!


B&B's Man in Italy
Very nice, Carlos!! Your're going to enjoy honing on it (and you'll enjoy the edges even more once you get it figured out!!)

Your stone looks like a La Grise to me, BTW....I suppose it could also be a La Grosse Blanche, but I think more likely La Grise..(could be wrong here, though)

I'm 99% sure it's a La Grise, no new La Grosse Blanche available now at Ardennes. This is what Maurice declares, after one of my e-mails.
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