I'm not sure if this is the best place to have this thread but if it's not please feel free to move it or let me know and I will repost this somewhere else. As of late last 3 months or so I have come down with a serious illness we call RAD and have over 50 vintage razors now...... some are out at vendors for restoration some look like the day they where made, I assume the previous owners either took REALLY good care of them or they had them restored. Either way the finishes run the gamete from my 1930's MMOC in brass to Rhodium to triple plated silver and gold and straight up nickel or chrome. I wanted to find out is there any recommendations on ultra-sonic cleaners I see a ton of different ones on Amazon for really good prices with great reviews but I don't know squat about what I'm looking at. All I know is I want to use these razors and I want them to be clean and sterile. Which brings up my next question will a ultra-sonic cleaner as the name implies only clean the razor or will it also disinfect it ? ie. barbacide but won't strip my gold razors lacquer ? which bring up a third question..... nickel and chrome ...easy peasy barbacide will disinfect done..... what about gold or silver or Rhodium ? how should I disinfect these and make them biologically safe though I realize there is minimal risk due to age to begin with and anti bacterial soap would probably do the trick. but I am a germaphobe and would rather over due it than risk hepatitis b or c or worse than under do it and then post the thread " I wish I would have "..... regardless I am interested in learning more about ultra-sonic's and if nothing else it will keep my investments and babies looking sparkling for years to come. Thanks for any input you can give me !!!!!