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Ultra sonic cleaners ?

I'm not sure if this is the best place to have this thread but if it's not please feel free to move it or let me know and I will repost this somewhere else. As of late last 3 months or so I have come down with a serious illness we call RAD and have over 50 vintage razors now...... some are out at vendors for restoration some look like the day they where made, I assume the previous owners either took REALLY good care of them or they had them restored. Either way the finishes run the gamete from my 1930's MMOC in brass to Rhodium to triple plated silver and gold and straight up nickel or chrome. I wanted to find out is there any recommendations on ultra-sonic cleaners I see a ton of different ones on Amazon for really good prices with great reviews but I don't know squat about what I'm looking at. All I know is I want to use these razors and I want them to be clean and sterile. Which brings up my next question will a ultra-sonic cleaner as the name implies only clean the razor or will it also disinfect it ? ie. barbacide but won't strip my gold razors lacquer ? which bring up a third question..... nickel and chrome ...easy peasy barbacide will disinfect done..... what about gold or silver or Rhodium ? how should I disinfect these and make them biologically safe though I realize there is minimal risk due to age to begin with and anti bacterial soap would probably do the trick. but I am a germaphobe and would rather over due it than risk hepatitis b or c or worse than under do it and then post the thread " I wish I would have "..... regardless I am interested in learning more about ultra-sonic's and if nothing else it will keep my investments and babies looking sparkling for years to come. Thanks for any input you can give me !!!!!
70-90% Isopropyl will disinfect without harming razors / lacquers. No need to soak, because the disinfecting happens when the alcohol evaporates off the razor. Also, don't wipe it off, let it evaporate. Good luck!
My recommendation on ultra-sonic cleaners is DON"T USE ULTRA-SONIC CLEANERS ON ANYTHING YOU VALUE THE FINISH ON!

We had them at work for cleaning our guns. We had Berettas. The Beretta armorer's manual specifically warned against using them. No matter, bosses are bosses and use them we did. The finish came off in flakes just like Beretta said it would over several uses. Fortunately, I saw this coming and was able to avoid getting mine cleaned in the stupid thing. I bought it upon retiring and all of the finish wear on mine is honest wear.

Also, the reason your old razors don't look so great is often because the finish has deteriorated. Cleaning them won't change that. Replating will, and that costs money. On guns, it reduces the value of the gun. I don't know if that is true about razors.

I wouldn't use a ultra sonic on my guns either....you can really clean a gun in one of these ? I use gun cleaners oil and blueing agents......... on a side not the finishes on ALL my razors are mint or near mint a few I would call VERY GOOD.....so it's not a finish or clean issue... I also use MAAS on all razors but gold and Rhodium and have left the silver alone as well as I don't know the effect MAAS would have. I am more interested in ultra sonic for general cleaning and hopefully sanitization.
There is a lot of bad stuff that alcohol won't kill, just so you know. There is a reason we have Lysol and why Lysol (or generic equivalents) is used by the CDC and similar places for washing things down.

dumb question can I use Lysol without it damaging the finishes stated in my OP ? I more so am looking for sanitization..... the razors themselves are in very good condition.
I use a small ultra sonic cleaner, the kind for jewelry, it does a good job but be wary of using it on an adjustable razor with painted numbers. It will remove the paint.
I have used an Ultra sonic cleaner for years on all sorts of items and have not had a problem. I have used it on jewelry, multi tools, metal knives, razors and other small parts. If the finish or paint is starting to fail than the Ultra sonic cleaner will make it worse. Would I buy one if I was only going to use it for cleaning my razors no I would not.
About the sanitizing, IMHO nothing can replace Barbicide, Isopropyl is quite good but Barbicide is the ultimate germs killer (10-12 minute top)
Ok my specifically..... I am concerned about a 1977 super adjustable aka black beauty that is mint condition and I am concerned about the paint and barbacide..... the other two I am most concerned about is a 1947 Aristocrat plated in Rhodium and a 1950 Milord plated in Gold.....all are in mint condition ...... I have and use barbacide for most of my average everyday chrome or nickel razors..... is it safe for Rhodium, gold, and the black beauty with the plastic riser and the paint ? also I always heard that barbacide will destroy the lacquer on gold....... let's take the ultrasonic out of the equation.
I use a small ultra sonic cleaner, the kind for jewelry, it does a good job but be wary of using it on an adjustable razor with painted numbers. It will remove the paint.
+1. Also, I'd avoid high temperature settings for razors with painted or plastic surfaces.
About the sanitizing, IMHO nothing can replace Barbicide, Isopropyl is quite good but Barbicide is the ultimate germs killer (10-12 minute top)
+1. Dilute according to instructions, too.

Good luck!
+1. Also, I'd avoid high temperature settings for razors with painted or plastic surfaces.

+1. Dilute according to instructions, too.

Good luck!

Taking the ultrasonic out of the equation please read the post above yours and that is what I really need to find out I'll just clean with anti bacterial soap, scrubbing bubbles etc..... pipe cleaners and whatever is safe for those metals I listed in the post above your. thanks !!!!
I use a small ultra sonic cleaner, the kind for jewelry, it does a good job but be wary of using it on an adjustable razor with painted numbers. It will remove the paint.

About the sanitizing, IMHO nothing can replace Barbicide, Isopropyl is quite good but Barbicide is the ultimate germs killer (10-12 minute top)

Taking the ultrasonic out of the equation please read the post above yours and that is what I really need to find out I'll just clean with anti bacterial soap, scrubbing bubbles etc..... pipe cleaners and whatever is safe for those metals I listed in the post above your. thanks !!!!

Sorry-- I'm on the mobile site and missed your subsequent post. I've used Barbacide on my all my vintage razors (Rhodium Executive, gold Toggle, Super Adjustables, Schick Kronas, et al) prior to the first use without any adverse effect. I do follow the label instructions on dilution and duration. Other than that, I just do normal cleaning periodically to keep them shiny. I'm not a germophobe, though-- I don't bring my own silverware to restaurants-- so what's sufficient for me may not be for others.

Good luck!
Sorry-- I'm on the mobile site and missed your subsequent post. I've used Barbacide on my all my vintage razors (Rhodium Executive, gold Toggle, Super Adjustables, Schick Kronas, et al) prior to the first use without any adverse effect. I do follow the label instructions on dilution and duration. Other than that, I just do normal cleaning periodically to keep them shiny. I'm not a germophobe, though-- I don't bring my own silverware to restaurants-- so what's sufficient for me may not be for others.

Good luck!

LOL !!!! I'm not that bad..... I don't barbacide my utensils before I eat.....HAHAHA that actually was funny ( laughing).........ok so with the proper dilution 32 ounces h2o with 2 oz barbacide for 10 minutes there should be no paint damage or damage to the lacquer or finish of Gold, Rhodium, silver, etc...... at least in your experience ..... does anyone else have any different experience than this just to be ultra safe not that I'm doubting what you are saying...... I've just read threads saying barbacide is a no no for Gold and Rhodium I am flying 100% blind. Thank you though for the input and laughter really I'm not that big of germaphobe only when it comes to razors as there could be blood and always a exfoliation when you shave that could introduce a bunch of nasties.
For the record, ultra sonic cleaners clean.

They don't disinfect.

If you need to disinfect, use the cleaner first to get off all the "big stuff" then use a disinfectant. The disinfectant will work better without the "big stuff" around.

Still though what is safe for both the metal and lacquer for - Rhodium,Gold,Silver for a disinfectant as well as will not harm the paint on a black beauty ultimately that is what I'm am trying to find out. I don't want to use ie scrubbing bubbles or barbicide on any of them until I KNOW It will not damage these razors as they are mint or near mint condition.
Do you not also eat out, or is the only place you use utensils and plates your home?

"Dishwasher clean" is good enough.
Unless there are actual blood and tissue remaining, a simple wash and some time are all that is needed. Very few pathogens can survive outside of the body for more than a couple of days.
Even fewer can survive a dry environment for more than a couple of weeks.

Give it a cleaning (not soaking) with Scrubbing Bubbles.
Follow with a dip and dry in alcohol.
If desired, follow with a short soak in Barbicide (follow directions for dilution and soak time).
Do you not also eat out, or is the only place you use utensils and plates your home?

"Dishwasher clean" is good enough.
Unless there are actual blood and tissue remaining, a simple wash and some time are all that is needed. Very few pathogens can survive outside of the body for more than a couple of days.
Even fewer can survive a dry environment for more than a couple of weeks.

Give it a cleaning (not soaking) with Scrubbing Bubbles.
Follow with a dip and dry in alcohol.
If desired, follow with a short soak in Barbicide (follow directions for dilution and soak time).

wow I think either I am wording this wrong or everyone is taking what I am asking completely wrong so I'll make it very easy and come on of course I eat out at restraints and of course I do not carry barbicide with me so let's just drop that bs notion when I said I was a germaphobe I was stretching it a bit but it is a realistic concern to want to use a clean sterile razor or would you let someone tattoo you without a auto clave that just left a needle out for a couple of weeks good enough right ?

Ok but now I'm getting off track...... Simple

Rhodium - is barbicide safe for the finish yes or no

Silver- is barbicide safe for the finish yes or no

GOLD- is barbacide safe for the finish and the lacquer ? I have read many threads saying beware so, how do you sanitize it ?

Paintnas in the black beauty with the plastic lifter - barbacide yes or no ?

THIS IS WHAT I AM ASKING ...... Not about going to a resteraunt and we have established that a ultra sonic cleaner only cleans so I am trying to find what is safe for these metals to sanitize. That is all.
There is a big difference between a tattoo needle cluster (it's not "a" needle, it's anywhere from 3 to 12) that had been used to penetrate the skin of another person and will be used to penetrate the skin of the next customer, and a razor handle that contained a blade that scraped across the skin of another person and will contain a different blade that will scrape across my skin.

Normal cleaning as outlined above is all that is required for sanitation.
There is a difference between sanitation and sterilization. Razors are not sterilized from the factory.
I never said anything about any mental illness. OP made that reference.

I simply stated that concerns about contamination from used razors is overblown, and I'm as much of a germophobe as the next guy. I will not drink from a glass that another person has been drinking from, and I will not "try a bite" of food when eating with someone else, even my wife.

There are literally dozens if not a hundred threads on this topic. Nobody has caught hepatitis or AIDS from a used razor.
Straight razors, brushes, and shaving soap used to be re-used in barbershops as recently as 10 years ago and humanity has survived.
I couldn't agree less. A razor removes skin and blood. It is a biohazard. Changing the blade would reduce this, but not eliminate it.

At any rate, it's in the eye of the beholder so to speak. The OP is concerned that previous blood and skin would be on the razor and that this would then be mixed with his skin and blood. I would have the same concerns. I don't think it is in any way indicative of mental illness to want to clean off another person's blood and skin before using something as intimate as a razor.

I wouldn't use any one else's razor unless I had to. And then, only if it were sanitized. This is why health departments enforce ordinances about this kind of things in the barber/beauty industry. Hep C is no joke.

Exactly this and I speak from expierence yes a razor even a razor in a tattoo shop is disposable and carries the same risk as a used razor period but still i would like to find the answers to my actual question. Bit thank you for backin me up on this one. And NO I do not have any mental illness or OCD'S.
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