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Uk pif

Right guys I am almost at 3,000 posts :w00t:

So I have a small PIF for UK members only (sorry guys there is a bottle of aftershave in this so I can't ship it anywhere else).

A tub of RazoRock Mudder Focker (half full I think), and a bottle of Old Spice (98% full), maybe a blade or two thrown in.

Once I reach 3,000 posts this PIF is over and the winner will be decided by Random.org *In case I reach 3,000 too quickly I will just close at whim*

I will close this thread whenever I feel like getting out of the flat to stroll down to the post office. Could be in a day, could be in two days, I don't know but it will definitely be this week.

Contributors get double entries by the way (so go contribute now here).

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Congratulations on the big 3k and good on you for setting up a PIF.
I'm not in as I already have an unopened tub of Mudder Focker.
Never heard of Mudder Focker, so for sheer enjoyment & love of the name (plus celebration of a UK based PIF), consider me in, young man.

Pip pip, old boy - huzzah!

Just a headsup I have another PIF running HERE which is for everyone (including UK)

In so far:
Jack Derrick
Cumbrland Sausage
Gorblimey guv'nor. Ow's you doin'?
Oi'd loike to be in but find meself to be jographicly displaced. Can you stick it in the ol' postbox and the Bill will neva know if we keep it between me, you and the lampost, olroight? Arrive on me doorstep toot sweet and Robert's your farver's bruvver.
Gorblimey guv'nor. Ow's you doin'?
Oi'd loike to be in but find meself to be jographicly displaced. Can you stick it in the ol' postbox and the Bill will neva know if we keep it between me, you and the lampost, olroight? Arrive on me doorstep toot sweet and Robert's your farver's bruvver.

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