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GIVEAWAY! UK PIF - razor, soaps, brushes, blades, aftershave - all you need for a great shave

Dave himself

No Words of Wisdom
Awesome PIF and although I'm in the UK, respectfully not in.

Congratulations to everyone who has posted about overcoming their addiction - it's tough although I can't imagine what @Dave himself went through.

I managed to finally stop smoking nearly 18 years ago - I was a heavy smoker and had smoked for something approaching 20 years. I tried a few times and failed - cold turkey, patches, hypnotherapy - nothing worked. Eventually it took 2 years of NRT to get me off. I haven't touched anything since and I know I'm a lot better for it.

Thanks to @EclipseRedRing for such a generous PIF and happy anniversary on the 26th!
Man I can't even imagine trying to get off cigarettes that must have been torture congratulations. I still need my nicotine fix and how dumb I'm I, I forgot to say congratulations to @EclipseRedRing for kicking the habit.


Slickness is a sickness
Man I can't even imagine trying to get off cigarettes that must have been torture congratulations. I still need my nicotine fix and how dumb I'm I, I forgot to say congratulations to @EclipseRedRing for kicking the habit.

I gave up cigarettes, but traded them for vaping. My goal was harm reduction, and I feel a lot healthier. No more coughing up phlegm or hacking at all. I mix my own custard flavored juice, so I know exactly what is in it.

Oh, and full disclosure: I do enjoy a tobacco pipe a couple of times each week, but don't inhale.

Alum Ladd

Could be most likely nutjob stuff
Man I can't even imagine trying to get off cigarettes that must have been torture congratulations. I still need my nicotine fix and how dumb I'm I, I forgot to say congratulations to @EclipseRedRing for kicking the habit.
I gave up cigarettes, but traded them for vaping. My goal was harm reduction, and I feel a lot healthier. No more coughing up phlegm or hacking at all. I mix my own custard flavored juice, so I know exactly what is in it.
@Dave himself Get yourself an Innokin T20S for about £20, and I Guarantee you will be off the ciggies in 24 hrs. That's from a smoker of cigarettes since 1979. I have been using one for about 4 years now, and I stopped rolling my own cigs in a day. Get a 12 mg nicotine juice of your flavour choice, 50/50 mix and you will have quit smoking.

I feel way better, no phlegm, breathing better, lots of benefits I have noted which have really helped improve my life. I can even carry a 40 lb pack a few miles now without an ambulance, and I can go camping, walking, all without too much physical distress for an old guy.

I totally agree with @gpjoe that it's harm reduction, and according to our own NHS vaping reduces smoking related illnesses by 95% E-cigarettes around 95% less harmful than tobacco estimates landmark review - https://www.gov.uk/government/news/e-cigarettes-around-95-less-harmful-than-tobacco-estimates-landmark-review

More recent official estimates still back this figure.

Get yourself an Innokin T20S Dave, you will glad you did.
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Slickness is a sickness
@Dave himself Get yourself an Innokin T20S for about £20, and I Guarantee you will be off the ciggies in 24 hrs. That's for a smoker of cigarettes since 1979. I have been using one for about 4 years now, and I stopped rolling my own cigs in a day. Get a 12 mg nicotine juice of your flavour choice, 50/50 mix and you will have quit smoking.

I feel way better, no phlegm, breathing better, lots of benefits I have noted which have really helped improve my life.

I totally agree with @gpjoe that it's harm reduction, and according to our own NHS vaping reduces smoking related illnesses by 95% E-cigarettes around 95% less harmful than tobacco estimates landmark review - https://www.gov.uk/government/news/e-cigarettes-around-95-less-harmful-than-tobacco-estimates-landmark-review

More recent official estimates still back this figure.

Get yourself an Innoken T20S Dave, you will glad you did.

Yep. I smoked a pack a day (or more) for over 40 years, so I definitely had the monkey on my back. I never thought I could give up smoking, and still LOVE the smell of a burning butt.

If vaping is as good as it gets for me, I can live with that. In fact, my cardiologist recommended vaping as an alternative to smoking. Don't scoff, he saved my life by finding my abdominal aortic aneurysm and got me fixed before I had a blow-out. I tend to trust his judgement.

Dave himself

No Words of Wisdom
I gave up cigarettes, but traded them for vaping. My goal was harm reduction, and I feel a lot healthier. No more coughing up phlegm or hacking at all. I mix my own custard flavored juice, so I know exactly what is in it.

Oh, and full disclosure: I do enjoy a tobacco pipe a couple of times each week, but don't inhale.
Anyone who gives up cigarettes has my greatest respect. I tried cold turkey, vaping, patches, gum, inhalers and hypnosis and a few other things. I just ended up stressed out and shouting at people so bad that my wife told me to have a cigarette. So I'm still hooked on them maybe one day I'll get off them but I can't see happening anytime soon.

Dave himself

No Words of Wisdom
@Dave himself Get yourself an Innokin T20S for about £20, and I Guarantee you will be off the ciggies in 24 hrs. That's from a smoker of cigarettes since 1979. I have been using one for about 4 years now, and I stopped rolling my own cigs in a day. Get a 12 mg nicotine juice of your flavour choice, 50/50 mix and you will have quit smoking.

I feel way better, no phlegm, breathing better, lots of benefits I have noted which have really helped improve my life. I can even carry a 40 lb pack a few miles now without an ambulance, and I can go camping, walking, all without too much physical distress for an old guy.

I totally agree with @gpjoe that it's harm reduction, and according to our own NHS vaping reduces smoking related illnesses by 95% E-cigarettes around 95% less harmful than tobacco estimates landmark review - https://www.gov.uk/government/news/e-cigarettes-around-95-less-harmful-than-tobacco-estimates-landmark-review

More recent official estimates still back this figure.

Get yourself an Innokin T20S Dave, you will glad you did.
I've already been down that road brother


The one on the left is broken because I threw it at the wall because it wasn't working. I was using 18mg juice in them. @Alum Ladd.
I'm in.

@zoidberg - I was addicted to smoking then vaping. Never being able to give up for long periods of time. I even was addicted to nicotine lozenges for a while. I tried a product called Zyban which worked but gave me really bad side effects.

Found out I have a magnesium deficiency which was causing low dopamine. Slowing working on it but now able to actually handle the cravings without feeling extreme lows.

I'm in.

@zoidberg - I was addicted to smoking then vaping. Never being able to give up for long periods of time. I even was addicted to nicotine lozenges for a while. I tried a product called Zyban which worked but gave me really bad side effects.

Found out I have a magnesium deficiency which was causing low dopamine. Slowing working on it but now able to actually handle the cravings without feeling extreme lows.

Sorry not in. I'm in Australia. Amazing PIF though.


I smell like a Christmas pudding
Well here we are, seven years sober and abstinent from alcohol - an addiction that cost my dignity, self respect, car, job, partner, access to my child for five years, friends, up to £1000 per month, and my driving license for a 40 month ban; it almost cost my liberty, my home, my life, and the lives of others. I now have a life of happiness and love, not in spite of my sobriety but because of it. Plus, it is the 20th birthday of my daughter who is happy and thriving at University studying medicine; I am truly blessed and grateful every single day.

So, a celebration shave today with some of my favourite things:


I almost forgot - we have a winner of the PIF! The random draw has selected @Kaldane - in accordance with his wishes I invite @Dave himself to contact me by PM with a delivery address, including postcode and I will post the box as soon as I get to the post office. Thank you to everyone who took part and I will offer another PIF later in the year. Best wishes to you all, Richard

Dave himself

No Words of Wisdom
Well here we are, seven years sober and abstinent from alcohol - an addiction that cost my dignity, self respect, car, job, partner, access to my child for five years, friends, up to £1000 per month, and my driving license for a 40 month ban; it almost cost my liberty, my home, my life, and the lives of others. I now have a life of happiness and love, not in spite of my sobriety but because of it. Plus, it is the 20th birthday of my daughter who is happy and thriving at University studying medicine; I am truly blessed and grateful every single day.

So, a celebration shave today with some of my favourite things:

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I almost forgot - we have a winner of the PIF! The random draw has selected @Kaldane - in accordance with his wishes I invite @Dave himself to contact me by PM with a delivery address, including postcode and I will post the box as soon as I get to the post office. Thank you to everyone who took part and I will offer another PIF later in the year. Best wishes to you all, Richard
There's not to many times something will move me to tears and even less times I'll admit to crying, but this is one of those times. @EclipseRedRing thank you much for sharing part of you life story with us it really moved and blessed me. Happy anniversary to you and many happy returns to your wee daughter. I really don't know what else to say except thank you from the bottom of my heart and God bless you mate.
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