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TWO Lucky Trumper's Finds

I was gutted recently when my 2008 puck of Trumper's Rose soap was no more. It was one of those earlier examples of how a Trumper's soap could really perform. We all know the issues with their soaps since 2010, so I was sorry to see it go. Earlier today I was in York and just happened to stroll down a side street where a gentlemen's hairdresser was. The window had numerous English shaving products on display, including two boxes of Trumper's Rose in wooden bowl soaps. I wasn't expecting what I found when I went in and asked to check the batch numbers. Not just one, but both of the soaps were of the same 2008 batch I have loved and enjoyed. Not to miss out on a good thing, I asked to check the batch numbers on the rest of their small stock, but unfortunately they had recently had a new delivery and all were of 2012 manufacture. I really couldn't believe my luck this morning. And before anybody asks, yes, I have lathered one up and it's a definite keeper.:001_wub::biggrin1:
Could you fill in a newbie on what change to Trumper's product you're describing here? Sorry if I'm resurrecting a dead horse, but was just curious...

Glad you were able to find an old friend though!
My recent purchase of GFT violets is my go to soap. I love it.

wanna sell the other :blush:

Sorry but the Rose is my favourite of all the Trumper's scents.

Could you fill in a newbie on what change to Trumper's product you're describing here? Sorry if I'm resurrecting a dead horse, but was just curious...

Glad you were able to find an old friend though!
Rob, Trumper re-formulated their soaps away from tallow to vegetable a few years ago. Their early ones were excellent and lathered incredibly well. Unfortunately, around 2010, their soaps took a downturn. I can't be sure but I believe there was a change of manufacturer. Any Trumper soap from 2010 is hit and miss now. Typically, the lather produced evaporates very quickly. I have tried a couple of "duds" over the past year and I could barely finish shaving one side before having no lather. Get a good one and you'll be very happy . Unfortunately there is no way of telling until use how your puck will perform. 2009 and earlier is a guaranteed performer in my experience. A thread was started last year by David if you would like to read in to this further.
Bummer, as I have a puck of GFT Limes en route after buying one from someone on the B/S/T board. I'm hoping that when he said "I just don't like the smell", he didn't mean "This soap is terrible and you should help me recoup my costs". :eek2:
You literally get hit or miss these days. I have a 2009 Sandalwood that is excellent. My 2011 Almond is okay but could be better. A 2012 Rose is just....sigh. I can get a good lather from it but you have to work. It takes double or triple the time of other soaps.
Bummer, as I have a puck of GFT Limes en route after buying one from someone on the B/S/T board. I'm hoping that when he said "I just don't like the smell", he didn't mean "This soap is terrible and you should help me recoup my costs". :eek2:
Trumpers Soaps aren't bad in the sense like Caswell Massey. They are latherable...it just takes longer if you get a dud.
David, glad to hear the good news. How does the veg rose compare to the older almond cake?

Cheers, Todd
Todd, the rose is much, much better. Although I could get a reasonable lather from the almond, it was never one that wanted me to reach for it that often. I wanted others to experience this tallow soap so I passed it on to a friend to try. I hope you don't mind.
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